6 String sweep help


Young Apprentice
Oct 22, 2006
Campbelltown Brah
Hey all, I am learning my first 6 string sweep and i cant seem to do it right. My main problem is that i need my pinkie on the low E string to start.


I cant seem to force myself to not leave the low E sounding when i remove my finger. I have searched youtube, but only see 3/4string sweeps. Am i supposed to be rolling my palm across the strings at the same time to mute them after the note? Or leave my pinkie on the string, but unfretted? :ill:

PS....I have done it slooooow! this is how i came aware of this little confusion.
You don't need to really use your pinky on that. You can get away with using just three fingers. Ring finger on the low E, middle on the A and D strings, and index on the rest. Try to "roll" your fretting fingers back once you hit a string. I'll try to draw a picture if you can't understand me.

^Indeed. In fact, why the hell would you ever use your pinkie for that? Your index is on the 10th, so it's a three fret reach...
Those looked like penises, lol...

Useful info nonetheless.

Helps me with sweeping and love-making!
I agree the ring finger would be easier...i am trying to challenge my pinkie though..imo i "should" be able to do it with the pinkie on the low E. Thanks heaps for your feedback guys.
I'd actually attack that with my pinky, but thats me :lol: I use my pinky quite a bit, even when it would seem more logical to use the ring finger. It's just more comfrotable imo.