606.. 609.. 906?


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
I'm looking to buy either of these.. tried searching around a bit on the forum, but didn't find any good advice.. Which mic do you like and why? 606, 609, 906?

thanks guys!
you can get great results with an e606 and a sm57.

one speaker:

e606 on axis
sm57 of axis (45°)

The e606 is a little more beafy then the 57, and the 57 sounds fantastic of axis and a little boomy.
try the fredmann mic technic with the combi, ->mind-blowing
i have both a 609 and 906, i like them both, i use them for things where i wouldn't really want a 57 quality, both are softer sounding than the 57, i tend to mix them with other mics, say for incredibly bright leads, ill mix in either mic to add smoother, rounder quality to it.

i probably wouldn't use these mics for any mids heavy material, like a good rhythm track, just a tad on the dark side.

but they a good for more classic tones, where treble and presence are boosted and the mics can soften the high end a bit.

but for what i like, the 421 has the qualities you want in a multi mic setup, its good lowend response for guitar, good mid response, and usable high end, it just fills in and expands on what the 57 does well. makes it sound huge when done correctly.

but if you want a good round smooth quality to your guitars, then get either a 609 or 906, i tend to use the 906 more.
I actually just recorded my practice amp (Vox DA5) for fun, and I used an e606 which I'd borrowed for the first time. The e606 was on axis, and I used my sm57 as the off axis. I might post it in the rate my mix/tone section if it doesn't turn out completely crappy :lol: which might very well happen, as I have to mix it with earphones (which I completely suck at and can't make anything translate anywhere) and the amp itself is quite crappy too.

But I kinda did like what the e606 sounds like, especially combined with the sm57, which I placed so that it removes some of the annoying fizz. Dunno if the fizz was because of the mics or because of the 6.5" speaker though... That said, my next mic purchase will probably be an Audix I5, as I love the Sm57 and I'd like something pretty close to it.
For me, 906s don't work for toms, but for guitars is my 1st choice along with a ksm27.

They are also good for live guitar.
606 and 609s are the same mic, just different names for the american/european markets i think.

I'm quite a fan of the 906 on guitars, seems to have more beef and less fizz then a 57.

Used the 606 on toms before with good results.