[6505+real drums content inside - Metal thrashing mad]


Sonic Incision
Jul 29, 2007
between sine waves
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9659648/111 test.mp3

Alright, this is a mix (also, recorded by me) I did for a thrash metal band. Recording was nightmare as far as drums go (time-wise mostly, the guy is not that bad; he played for the 1st time to a click), as I insisted on recording drums in small sections because drummer was not up to task of doing big sections properly (we were after that more modern thrash metal sound, so decent tightness is a must), and I didn't want to edit them that much, wanted to get some more live vibe to it.
So we ended up doing 150+ cycle recording takes for some parts (admittedly, they were small), before getting the winner :(

Keep in mind, this mix isn't mastered yet.

Any thoughts?

Cheers :kickass:
I'd beef up the snare as well, I hear more "snare" and not as much thunk, but it's probably a taste thing. I like thick compressed snares.

I'd also thicken up the bass guitar and kick, sounds a little empty in the low mids IMO.

I also hear a fair amount of compression pumping at times.

Sounds raw and fits the music, though.
Thank you for your time and input. ;)

I like snare on this one, but I could also try what you are suggesting to see if it fits more, maybe by doing parallel compression on the snare?

Problem with bass guitar track is that it has too much swing in dynamics (the guy plays it with fingers), which gets really noticeable if I turn it up/make bass more audible, even after putting a fair bit of compression and limiting, so what are you suggesting? Some tips?

Yeah, there's some pumping going on, but I like it.

I tried to keep it a little more organic than modern day thrash, thanks.

Others are also invited to voice write their opinions :wave:

Kik seems have to much sidechain sounding or something similar sidechain effect. But in respect that stuff is real drums i surprised how dynamic evenly they do
sidechain? You mean like kick-bass gtr sidechaining? I assure you that there is no sidechaining involved. Thanks! :)

Keep'em coming guys.