6505 vs. 6505+ 112 combo vs. Bugera 6260 vs. AxeFx... so many choices...help!


Dec 29, 2007
I am searching for a metal amp and have been inspired by this thread.
My only experience with 5150ish tones are my AxeFx where I prefer the 5150-model over the Rectos and Engls and a Bugera 6260 (sold long time ago) for getting an Unearth-like tone (that's what I am after). But the AxeFx models EL34 power amps...
So here are my choices:
  • Keep my AxeFx: it sounds good, but it is still not "real" and too complex, so I end up tweaking all day without playing or recording anything.
  • Bugera 6260: EUR 277! Close to nothing. I once had one but I haven't been impressed that much. It sounded very sterile and not organic at all, kinda dry.... But I can swap the poweramp tubes to EL34, which maybe more my taste. If a 6505/5150 sounds like this, I don't want one.
  • Peavey 6505+ 112 combo: I'll use it like a head with my Mesa 4x12. A "real" Peavey for half the money of the 6505 head. But does it sound like a 6505 head?
  • Peavey 6505 head: The real one. Most expensive. If I don't like it, I'll probably lose more than the Bugera would cost. Used 6505s go for about EUR 800 (new EUR 1100), but are pretty rare.

So many choices... Can you help? I am not into used gear that much.
I agree on the complex part of the AxeFx. I actually have contemplated sending it back to Fractal or selling it but today I finally close to the tone I have been looking for (with the CAE3+ Lead model). It takes so much tweaking, make sure you are using the Axe-Edit program, it makes it a lot easier to see the settings on a computer screen. I think I'm finally close to the tone I have had in my head for a long time.

Also, I'm using it with a tube power amp and a Mesa Boogie 4x12 cabinet, playing through an impulse still sounds nothing like a real amp IMO.

BTW, there's a new James LeBrie (vocalist from Dream Theater) song that was recorded with the help of the AxeFX.
I've had great results with a Bugera 6262. The crucial thing is to retube it ASAP, especially the preamp tubes which are unbelievably bad. They also hugely benefit from a bias. With these changes/modificatons in mind, it essentially went toe to toe with an ENGL fireball 100 when recording.

In saying that, I wouldn't necessarily suggest buying one, because I don't think they will last the distance in terms of say 10 to 20 years like 5150s have.

Which leads me to my next point: I would suggest you go a used 5150 head. These amps seriously go the distance, and basically the older model you get, the better, hence everyone's love for the 5150 Block letter, and MK1.

Also, in terms of getting an Unearth like tone, if you're talking about the amazing tone on The Oncoming Storm, I believe that is a blend of a 5150 and a JCM800, compressed to absolute hell. Maybe try working out some sort of similar shennanigans with your Axe-fx.
Go to a music shop and play the 6505+ through a decent cab. If you like what you hear get it...
Unfortunately, the only music shop (a big one, though) has such a bad testing room for the amps (boomy, reflections, phasing and freq cancellations all over the place), that I didn't hear anything ;-).
Every single amp in that room sounds so bad that I left with EUR 2000 in my pocket without buying anything after testing a Dual Rec, Framus Dragon(?), Engl Fireball and a Randall RM. Ordered an AxeFx then...
Hey guys, long time lurker, new to posting.... I would suggest that you go for a 6505 or a used 5150. They are great amps and if you can find a decent used one, you can save a little money. When I first got my 5150 it took me a little time to find a tone that I really loved, but once I got used to how the amp works and how to dial it in, it became a great amp for both live and recording. The other nice thing about peavey is that (at least in the United States) it's easy enough to get parts for them if something breaks, not that I've ever had that issue though. The other thing to consider, not that it's hugely important is that in another 10 to 15 years the axe fx will be an obsolete unit and not worth very much as far as resale goes, look at the ADA MP-1 for example. Something like a 5150 or 6505 will most likely increase in value, rather than depreciate. Obviously that shouldn't be what you base your decision off of, but after working years of music retail, I've seen how digital equipment can tank in resale value. I guess what I'm trying to say in a round about way is go with a 6505 or 5150 head
I used to play through a 5150 II with a bias mod, and I just recently played through a 6505+ Combo at my work. I actually liked the combo a lot, it's 60 watts and it has a Sheffield speaker in it. I was really close to buying it on the spot, the price on it is dead on. I don't know why, but I actually liked the feel of it slightly more than the old 5150 II I was playing (even though they're essentially the same thing).
where do u live in germany ? in bochum is a very nice music store, called "rockland music" ! very cool and friendly, with a good choice of many amps and caps for testing !

ansonsten: 6505 bestellen und wenn nötig, vom rückgaberecht gebrauch machen !
I listened to some clips I did with my Bugera 6260 (SM57-miced Mesa cab) back then and they are still the best tones I got. So I'll start getting away from my AxeFx with that 277,- EUR 6260 I ordered yesterday. For that money, I cannot be that wrong. A full tube swap will cost me the same money as the amp itself, though :o). And it leaves some money for a Blackstar HT-5 head...