6505 vs 6505+ does it really sound that much better


Processed Chicken
Apr 6, 2009
Clearwater, fl
I can buy a friends 6505+ for 800 or just get a new 6505 for 999, is the 6505 really that much better? I've heard they have more fizz!

What should I do?
Imho the 6505+ is superior live (concerning both distorted and clean sound) and not "worse" in the studio. So I'd take the 6505+ in your situation. You should consider getting new tubes for it, though - depending on how old the amp is and how much hours it ran.

Other people will say different, obviously. If you can, test both of them and decide afterwards.
Neither is better, they are just slightly different.

The 6505 is slightly more open and less compressed sounding, and the 6505+ has more gain and a more compressed tone, as well as separate EQ for each channel.

I like the 6505 in the studio but the 6505+ is probably the better choice if you're playing live and need both channels.

Both are great amps.

EDIT: Everyone else says the 6505+ has less gain, so I might be remembering my A/B comparison backwards. I owned a 6505 for a couple years and liked it, and recorded the 6505+ on several projects, but only compared them back-to-back once. Oops?
They are both great amps. The 6505+ has an extra option or two and just a little less gain, so you just have to nudge it a little more. I'd say buy your friend's if it's in really good shape. If it has some wear n' tear, talk him down to $700-$750.

EDIT: I think people assume the 6505+ has more gain because of the extra preamp tube, but in my experience it has less gain than the 6505 by a noticeable amount.
Its going to be used in my studio only, i don't mind paying the extra cash if there is extra fizz thats going to drive me fing nuts trying to dial out! Also I don't care about the clean channel.
The "fizz" people talk about around here has always been part of Peavey's tone. Some amps have a little more, some a little less, but it's always there. ie- 5150, 5150II, Triple XXX, JSX, 6505, 6505+, etc. That "fizz" that people harsh on here is partially responsible for some of the greatest metal guitar tones on albums over the last 15-20 years. Reference a great amount of Andy's work and Colin Richardson's work. IMO: People should learn to embrace and use the "fizz". I did.

But, if you're trying to avoid that "fizz", just don't buy a Peavey.
I'd wait around for a 5150/6505 and get it used for $650-$700.

A lot of people say the 5150 II/6505+ is less desirable, due to a just slightly different voicing and less gain.

As for the price, $800 is decent, but it's not hard to get one for $650-$700 if you look on cragislist or ebay.
Fuck it Im going to borrow his and I just ordered the 6505 from GC, try them both. If I don't I will always be second guessing myself.
They're both very close to be honest. 6505+ is a bit more nasal sounding and the 6505 has a bigger low end.

Check out this thread for sound clips

I saw that thread but this is the only thing that bothered me..." The only thing that prevents this test from being as scientific as possible is that my 5150 II is modded to 5150 specs with upgraded transformers and a bias mod. Now, with that in mind, two of these amps may sound more similar than the odd man out"
Before I got my 6505+ I played my friends 6505 at a show we were playing. I much prefer the 6505+ for live purposes. Haven't had the chance to record a reg 6505 yet, but I've recorded valve kings, bandits, and my 6505+; I can say I enjoy recording most peavey amps.