Difference between 5150 and 6505

5150 mkI - "block letter" - EVH in block text
is equal to:
5150 mkII - EVH "autograph" in place of EVH block text
is equal to:
6505 - name changed due to EVH leaving Peavey and Peavey changing the name to reflect 40 year anniversary ('65-'05)

5150 II = 6505+ like Metaltastic posted above.


hmm they look pretty much the same!
hmm well i think the 5150 is much more unforgiving than the 6505+

i finished reamping an EP I am doing for a band and the 6505+ was used when we did the tracking but I reamped with a 5150 block letter voodoo mod and it sounded more ballsy and much more bite. however the playing inconsistencies shined through much more.

fwiw they had the same tubes.
You do realize how much that Voodoo mod might have contributed to the difference in sound - I don't know what they do exactly, but I think it's hardly fair to judge an amp by experience with a modded variant...