6505 vs Egnater renegade!?

Nice. The egnater wins this one for me. Really liking that tone.

EDIT: Now that I listen to them with my laptop speakers (krk rokit 5), they're not that different tonewise. Still some differences but minor. But when I first listened them I used my klipsch in-ear headphones and the difference was way bigger.
I'm liking the Egnater as well. The 6050 has a bit more attack and punch, but the Egnater sounds more polished I guess is the word... IDK. Took me about 10 minutes to dial these in, I tried to make them sound as close as possible, On my winamp there is barely any difference, On dropbox there seems to be a bit more. IDK if its because I can switch so fast between them on winamp or what.

Let me ask you guys this. The egnater is paid for, would you fork out money to buy the 6505 if you already had the Egnater?
I'm curious of the settings on the 6505 though since i'm currently in the process of reamping guitars for my bands song. That tone might not be exactly what I'm looking for but I believe that between my current tone and your tone I might find something that pleases me.

And I believe the cab is stacked with the stock speakers? I find them really hard to mic.

And as for the question about would I buy the 6505, it's hard to tell only from this sample since other tones might translate differently. But Probably not. How do the cleans compare btw?
The cleans are better than the 6505, the amp has a lot of versatility: switchable from 65W to 18W on each channel, two sets of power tubes 6L6 and El34, Variable power tube Mix control on each channel, Really good sounding independent reverb on each channel with spill over, volume boost. I'm pretty much sending the 6505 back, I Think with a bit more tweeking this amp will get me there, plus I can use the money to get a Evil Robot:)
I've been gassing for a Renegade 65 for a while. Looks like a bad ass amp. Sounds nicer than the Peavey in this clip.
Sweet. Thanks for the info! I probably would use the money from the 6505 to a something different in your situation. Though if money is not a problem, keep both.
Thank you for this great comparison! Have you used a boost/screamer for Renegade? Could be Renegade considered as high gain amp?
Both sound cool here... The Renegade is definitely a more versatile amp, but I think it works much better with the G12T-75s than the 6505. I've never really liked any of my Peaveys with those speakers. In fact, the only amps I've liked with them are more Marshall voiced than anything.
Thank you for this great comparison! Have you used a boost/screamer for Renegade? Could be Renegade considered as high gain amp?

I never used a boost on the Renegade, but i'm sure it would sound good. In this clip the Renegades gain is maxed, so that's about all the amp can do gain wise.
I never used a boost on the Renegade, but i'm sure it would sound good. In this clip the Renegades gain is maxed, so that's about all the amp can do gain wise.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! A lot of people say that Renegade is very bad in modern metal. I'm very interested in your opinion. I want to buy Renegade but I have some doubts.
I never used a boost on the Renegade, but i'm sure it would sound good. In this clip the Renegades gain is maxed, so that's about all the amp can do gain wise.

Using a boost isn't about getting more gain, it's just to tighten the amp up.

I actually like the 6505 more here. Seems to cut through a little better. Egnater sounds good though! They're close enough though that you could probably keep the Renegade if its versatility suits your needs better than the 6505.