6L6 vs EL34 shootout with clips


Dec 15, 2007
I exchanged the TAD (boom) EL34's in my VH100R for Ruby 6L6's courtesey of James (The Shred) and recorded the before and after clips, same riff and drums, no bass (mine is fucked and is a POS anyway hurr)

EL34's first, then a short pause, then the 6L6's. I think you'll agree that the differences are practically non-existant, the 6L6's have a bit of a smoother top end and a bit less nasty upper mid EL34-ness.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3756009/Valve Shootout.mp3

What do YOU think?

Very similar indeed, as was my feeling in my own shootout; however, as volume increases, I wouldn't be surprised if the differences did too (wasn't ever able to record loud enough to compare, however). However, I'm still quite firm in my belief that 80-90% of perceived sonic differences between tubes of similar quality are the result of placebo
On my laptop speakers I can hear a big difference. I really like the EL-34 grind. The 6L6's sound sterile.
It tends to be the guys that just play at home and record at pretty low volumes that swear that tubes don't make a difference....which makes sense. If you're not pushing them, they're not saturating. Crank up the amp to noon or higher and compare EL34's and 6L6's...and it'll hardly sound like the same amp. It all depends on application. I'm a total recording noob compared to most of you guys, but I can't tell you how many times I've switched tubes in an amp, not told the band I was in, and had every single one of them either comment on how good it sounds, or ask wtf I did to make it sound so bad haha.
It tends to be the guys that just play at home and record at pretty low volumes that swear that tubes don't make a difference....which makes sense. If you're not pushing them, they're not saturating. Crank up the amp to noon or higher and compare EL34's and 6L6's...and it'll hardly sound like the same amp. It all depends on application. I'm a total recording noob compared to most of you guys, but I can't tell you how many times I've switched tubes in an amp, not told the band I was in, and had every single one of them either comment on how good it sounds, or ask wtf I did to make it sound so bad haha.

You know, reading over my post from earlier today, I realize that I kinda said two contradicting things (they do make a difference/they don't make a difference), so I just wanted to apologize for the placebo implication dude, cuz I definitely trust your tone-judging and experience in a live environment! :headbang: Just was a bit grumpy this morning (found out I didn't get a job I wanted at the Apple store, apparently they wanted someone with years of experience on Macs, give me a break :mad: )

However, in this test I really do hear very little difference; you should've made it blind Joe ;)
You know, reading over my post from earlier today, I realize that I kinda said two contradicting things (they do make a difference/they don't make a difference), so I just wanted to apologize for the placebo implication dude, cuz I definitely trust your tone-judging and experience in a live environment! :headbang: Just was a bit grumpy this morning (found out I didn't get a job I wanted at the Apple store, apparently they wanted someone with years of experience on Macs, give me a break :mad: )

However, in this test I really do hear very little difference; you should've made it blind Joe ;)

No worries man! We're both right. If you're not cranking up the amp you're not going to hear a huge difference (it's there, but not as audible). A lot of guys these days are happy with the tone coming primarily from a hardly pushed preamp section and a completely unpushed power section...and that's cool...but when turning a 100watt head up to '3' and then claiming that power tubes don't make a difference is like leaving a Ferrari in first gear and saying it's not very fast. Some of the guys here get some killer results from amps at low volumes, but being kind of old school in my tonal tastes, I definitely like to hear the tubes and the speakers working hard. Having played shows for crowds ranging from 30 to 3,000....I'm at my happiest when I can crank my amp and beat the shit out of the power section.

That sucks about the job man. It's tough everywhere. I'm actually in the process of moving to Worcester, Massachusetts because here too there's no work, and nothing but shitty grindcore bands. Haha, it's time to retreat.
Shut yer yap - what are you listening on? I'm on 2.1 speakers in a fucking dorm room and I hear the different loud and clear.

You are right, there is a "different". But to call one "harsh and brittle" (meaning not likeable), and then to say "fucking days" meaning (awesome), is like comparing chalk and cheese, when they are only really not at all much different (meaning fuck all) in the clip that was provided! So,
I'll shut my "yap", when you stop dribbling!
By "for days" I mean I'll take the 6L6 over the EL34 for a long fucking time, because I like it better.

You saying that these clips are "not at all much different" just proves you need to train your ears more or listen on better sources. I hear the difference (nice typo catching skills, douchebag) clear as night and day, and I know that the different tones would influence my mixes different.
Really depends on the amp. I love the 6L6s in my 5150 II. But I think the XXX / 3120 sounds better with EL34s.

In these clips, I prefer the dynamics of the EL34 as well as the overall tone actually. However, I can see how the 6L6 version is a bit smoother in the top end with this amp. Generally though, EL34s seem to have a percussive attack to them that is very intriguing; an especially good fit with the XXX/3120 as I've said before.

No matter what, both tones are great. Not worth fussing over IMO - tube amps sound great regardless, it's really a question of personal preference when you get down to decisions of specific tubes like this.
Would you guys like to hear the shootout with the amp cranked to all hell?

If so let me know and I'll do it this weekend.
