7-string guitars


A Mind Forever Voyaging
Jul 10, 2001
Grave with a view
I'm considering buying a 7-string guitar. Is this a wise choice? I've been playing a couple of years and think I could get used to the wider neck, but is there anything about them I should know? Are they much more difficult to play? Is it still the same playing songs that would normally be played on a 6-string, just there is an extra string to worry about? I mean you can ignore the string if you like, right? And are the strings actually any closer together on a 7-string, because I have rather thick fingers. :tickled:
I find them pretty different to play, enough so that I havn't seriously considered buying one. Not that you shouldn't get one, but it might take some adjustment. They arn't much more then any other guitar either, obviously an Ibanez Universe will be but you can find 7-strings for a decent price.

just play one a lot before you buy it to make sure. The strings are the same distance apart and all that, and yeah you can play any song meant to be on a 6-string on a 7. What I noticed though is that it's rather hard to just "ignore" that bottom string, without getting used to playing a 7 I found myself really having to think about it. If you want that deeper sound though go for it, I find the actual sound from a 7-string better then dropping down to B tuning (standard for a 7) on a 6-string because you maintain string tension and don't lose tone.
Actually you can get the exact same sound from a 6-string tuned to B as you would from a 7-string by just using the same string gauges as those on a 7 string (for example, I use a 10-13-17-26-36-46-60 set on my 7-string, and I keep a 6-string strung with the same strings, 13-60, tuned to B (this is assuming it's not a baritone 7-string you're talking about)

(naturally though, the 7-string does give you more flexibility and access to some notes and chords you wouldn't have access to with a 6-string, no matter how you tuned it.)

I like playing both 6 and 7 strings and didn't find the transition very difficult, but yeah I'll echo everyone else and say try one out before you buy.
I've been playing a 7 string for about 4 years (been playing guitar over 20). I never went back to a six. I really like it. Believe it or not the one extra string can really change the way you write and play. I'm not sure how far along you are as far as theory, scales, arps etc. but if you wanted to switch it's a bit easier in the beginning. Unfortunatley I waited and had to relearn a lot of stuff incorporating the low B. It was worth it though. Good luck!
Some call using a 7 string guitar "being lazy".

I say make music for the sake of making music, no matter how you do it. I personally am the type who wants to make something that sounds cool, not turn it into a big fucking talent contest.
7strings are excellent, and apart from a small adjustment in left hand position for some people they are easy to adjust to. 7strings aren't that expensive, as a lot of people bought one and didn't like them, so you can pick them up cheaply second hand. If you want a 7string that is a dream to play as well as versataille, look for an Ibanez RG2027, as it has piezo's as well, and is a fantastic guitar, but hard to find.

Apart from that, I'd recommend saving up the money and going of and looking for an old Universe, failing that, grab yourself an RG7620 (NOT a 7420, inferior bridge).

But I've been playing them for about 4 years now, and just love them to bits, once you start messing about you can find fun new chords. Definately better than a 6 tuned to B, as the neck takes the strain better, the pickups are actually calibrated to cope with the low B.

They're just too much fun :)
I play mainly 6 strings, but I have a 7 string (an Ibanez RG1527) and I play with it quite a bit. I found it easy to make the switch actually. I'd say, get one if you actually plan on using all 7 strings, as it opens up a world of possibilities. If you just plan on chugging on the low strings alot, go get a Baritone or restring/downtune to B.

If you don't want to spend more than about $550 on the guitar, get an Ibanez RG1527, or go see if you can find an ESP/ltd. H307, Ibanez RG7620, or most Jackson 7 strings. If you wanna put a good amount of money down, I'd say an Ibanez Universe, an Ibanez RG2027, or a Carvin DC747
Quote: (NOT a 7420, inferior bridge).

Yeah man, I believe I have that model. The fucking floyd rose on it is a piece of shit. The bastards....
Yep. Ibanez TRS Floyd bridges = SHIT. On the other hand, their LoProEdge bridges are the best ever, they own every single type of floyd out there no question :)

an Ibanez RG2027
Man, I spent ages looking for one before finally getting it. Best money I ever spent, put a 12£ DPDT(on-on-on) switch in to replace the stock, and hey presto, I can have magnetics and piezos running at the same time :grin: This is an excellent guitar, the only 7string Floyd Rose Piezo out there if I am correct (along with the 2127(different colour)). Kick Arse guitar, stupidly versataille, although I would recommend changing the stock pickups out.
Would the Ibanez grx207 be an okay 7-string for the working-teen's salary? They're in the $2-300 range and I've heard mainly good reviews. I'm also considering getting one so I can expand the tonal possibilities and the new chords sound tempting. I also want to experiment and try some Steve Vai numbers as well as Fear Factory bits (I know Dino used Ibanez 7strings mainly). so would the grx207 be an ok guitar for the price?
NocturnalSun said:
Would the Ibanez grx207 be an okay 7-string for the working-teen's salary?
Yeah, that would work. That or save another 200 and get an RG1527 or find a RG7620
NocturnalSun said:
Would the Ibanez grx207 be an okay 7-string for the working-teen's salary? They're in the $2-300 range and I've heard mainly good reviews. I'm also considering getting one so I can expand the tonal possibilities and the new chords sound tempting. I also want to experiment and try some Steve Vai numbers as well as Fear Factory bits (I know Dino used Ibanez 7strings mainly). so would the grx207 be an ok guitar for the price?

Piece of crap. Don't buy it, and don't waste your money on it, it's rubbish. Instead, go on ebay and buy yourself a RG7420, or find an RG7321(fixed bridge 7), they should both be in the same price range, maybe 50$ more, but believe me, it'll be worth it, as the entire GIO range isn't that good, you're best off hunting second hand, you'll get much more bang for your buck (better pickups, wood, neck, bridge etc, for a start)
got 7. it opens up many doors in your music. ive written so many things i could not have done on a drop tuned 6 string. and you can play some great harmonies with the extra B string.

schecter makes a great 7 string. the 007 elite. sells for about 650.
These are some great replies, but the way I look at it is if the low "E" is not low enough for your tastes and you like a style of music that uses a low B, then get one. If you don't use it, then don;t bother with it.
The guitar I paid the most money for, a Peavey Vandenburg sits on my wall (on a guitar hook) for looks more than anything else because it has a Floyd Rose locking system on it and I don't use the "whammy" enough to want to go through the process of tuning and locking, so I play my Ibanez with a "standard" tremola instead.
