70000 Tons of Metal: Glenn, I want your opinion

Why oh why does this have to be a god-damn cruise and not just an awesome US Festival? It would be great to see a land-borne fest with a diverse lineup like this somewhere on the ground. I'd go in a fucking heartbeat. It'd easily compare to MDF and ProgPower in terms of lineup strength alone.
Exactly!!!! I'd be all over this if it were ANY where in the US at all. (Ok, maybe not Hawaii.) But there is no way I want to pay all that extra cash to be trapped on a boat with hundreds of people I don't know. Went on a "cruise to nowhere" once when Carnival was testing a new ship. HATED IT! Rooms sooo claustrophobic and bitchy people fighting over everything from a spot at the bar to a bloody chaise lounge by the pool.

I don't know about the cost of all this, but it IS an amazing lineup, just wish it were on land. Frankly, though, I'm getting exhausted just looking at the list.

This whole thing is not meant for the likes of us unwashed. It is meant for labels and promoters to impress others with. What better way to do it than with a cruise?

1) You have a captured audience.
2) You have the bands and their people at your fingertips
3) You have the relaxing atmosphere
4)You have that young marketing exec or general suit paying to impress another general suit, to wit: "Hey, Sam, what do you think of Amon Amarth in that Black & Decker commercial"

or, even better,
5) You have some hotshot exec rewarding his spoiled brat with a spot on this this cruise, to wit: "OK, Muffy, since you got an A on your report card, look what Daddy has for you?" Daddy's little spoiled brat jumps up and down, "Oh, Daddy! A Cruise! Oh, how wonderful! Oh, Daddy! Epica! Oh, I just adore Simone! Oh, what in the Wolrd do I wear? Oh, Daddy, may I use your Black Card?"

Very few of us could afford something like that, which is why I say that this was for mostly insiders or money people.
WHAT??? You think that this cruise has mainstream exposure like that????

I think the bands will be very upset at the lack of females aboard.

Amon Amarth getting seasick would be golden!!!!
3) You have the relaxing atmosphere
That's a matter of opinion. I did not find a cruise all that relaxing. How many metal heads will be afloat? Between the drinking, singing, head banging, vomiting and general mayhem, I'm not sure of the relax factor.

Amon Amarth heaving over the rail...what a great promo shot idea for next album, Tossing Chunks Over the Side or some such epic release.
Moving it to a land location isnt goint to change the price that much unless its held in Detriot where hotels are $50 a night. I honestly dont think the cost of the cruise is un-resonable. The Marriot in ATL was about 155 a night with tax, food was another $20-30 a day. Thats around 175 - 185 I spent a day on food and lodging. Taking in the cost of the show tickets it works out to being close to PP however with PP you dont get the shock of spending all that money at once because your buying the show tickets months in advance, you buying your food with out of pocket money and your hotel is on your credit card which you'll pay a month later.

Its just a matter of how you percieve to spend that money, at once or spread out. The killer on cruise ships is liquor, you will be paying for that and its easy to run up your bill on that. The wife and I probably dropped about $300 on our 3 day cruise for boose and stuff you buy in the shops on the ship.
Moving it to a land location isnt goint to change the price that much unless its held in Detriot where hotels are $50 a night. I honestly dont think the cost of the cruise is un-resonable. The Marriot in ATL was about 155 a night with tax, food was another $20-30 a day. Thats around 175 - 185 I spent a day on food and lodging. Taking in the cost of the show tickets it works out to being close to PP however with PP you dont get the shock of spending all that money at once because your buying the show tickets months in advance, you buying your food with out of pocket money and your hotel is on your credit card which you'll pay a month later.

Its just a matter of how you percieve to spend that money, at once or spread out. The killer on cruise ships is liquor, you will be paying for that and its easy to run up your bill on that. The wife and I probably dropped about $300 on our 3 day cruise for boose and stuff you buy in the shops on the ship.

I do agree I don't find it that expensive considering what you get. For me, more than just me not having moolah right now it would be the commitment and having to travel to Florida to get on the cruise, etc. Plus, like AMBR said, a cruise really doesn't interest me as it could be a complete mess.
Moving it to a land location isnt goint to change the price that much unless its held in Detriot where hotels are $50 a night. I honestly dont think the cost of the cruise is un-resonable. The Marriot in ATL was about 155 a night with tax, food was another $20-30 a day. Thats around 175 - 185 I spent a day on food and lodging. Taking in the cost of the show tickets it works out to being close to PP however with PP you dont get the shock of spending all that money at once because your buying the show tickets months in advance, you buying your food with out of pocket money and your hotel is on your credit card which you'll pay a month later.
I can see where you could calculate it that way, but the numbers don't work in my case. We usually get a 2-bedroom suite with two bathrooms, a living room and full kitchen for five people. For four nights, it has typically worked out to less than $200/person. We buy our food at the grocery store and make most of our meals in suite. Ever seen one of those lower end interior state rooms? You don't have to be claustrophobic to feel pinched. They are TINY and have no windows at all. The beds are very narrow and you can barely turn in the bathroom. I'd take the full suite for ProgPower any day over that. Guess it's just a matter of opinion.
WHAT??? You think that this cruise has mainstream exposure like that????
Remember, the World is a small place. Just because this might not be mainstream here, does not mean it is not mainstream elsewhere. That marketing exec from Helsinki might take that sales rep from Nokian Tyres in order to impress. Or, that rookie ad rep on Madison Avenue might pay to send the two teenagers whose father is VP Sales at Wesayso Corp. in Germany. Put it all on the expense account. Just remember, some people will be paying upwards of $4K including airfare at one shot for this. Not that many can afford it. But, labels, promoters and marketing people can. Hence, why I say that this was not meant for the likes of us.
I'm a 24 year old student from Canada who is going on the cruise by planning ahead financially and cutting down on things like eating out over this year. I would ascertain that if I can do it, it's not "meant" for record execs.

I'm amazingly pumped to watch Amon Amarth from a hot tub or a climbing wall. I'd love Eluveitie on there too but I questioned the band when they were here in Canada and they said it conflicted...schedule conflict is why they brought Swashbuckle on board rather than a decent "pirate" metal band like Alestorm. Too bad.

I'm thinking Guardian is added to the bill as well, as the headliners haven't been announced yet...and if Iced Earth, Gamma Ray, etc aren't headliners, who would be?
Well, with the numbers and such that were posted yesterday, I think the reason it's on a cruise and not on land is so that the promoter can charge basically 200-400 dollar per ticket and get away with it, with people thinking it's just part of the cruise expenses.

He doesn't "get away with it" like it's secret, it's clearly stated in the ticket contract that there is a $200 fee for the bands :loco:
I'm a 24 year old student from Canada who is going on the cruise by planning ahead financially and cutting down on things like eating out over this year. I would ascertain that if I can do it, it's not "meant" for record execs.

I'm amazingly pumped to watch Amon Amarth from a hot tub or a climbing wall. I'd love Eluveitie on there too but I questioned the band when they were here in Canada and they said it conflicted...schedule conflict is why they brought Swashbuckle on board rather than a decent "pirate" metal band like Alestorm. Too bad.

I'm thinking Guardian is added to the bill as well, as the headliners haven't been announced yet...and if Iced Earth, Gamma Ray, etc aren't headliners, who would be?

That's a very good question. I would've thought Saxon would be one. I'm guessing since there aren't many thrash bands on the list yet, that at least one of the major thrash bands will be a headliner. Beyond that I really dont' know though. I couldn't possibly see a band like Maiden or Priest doing this.
Why oh why does this have to be a god-damn cruise and not just an awesome US Festival? It would be great to see a land-borne fest with a diverse lineup like this somewhere on the ground. I'd go in a fucking heartbeat. It'd easily compare to MDF and ProgPower in terms of lineup strength alone.


And I think it really comes down to the $200 ticket price. People are a bit more likely to rationalize that cost as part of a cruise, than as a concert ticket.

I would love for someone to explain this as well. The whole cruise / Metal festival connection is an odd one to say the least. With any festival you're asking people to travel to the location and spend money. However, you've now just added all the additional complexities of a show at sea, with all the additional costs of a cruise. Seems odd.

Plus, you have to GET to Miami to embark, unless you're lucky enough to live in South Florida. Airfare expense, or if you drive you'll have to pay for parking at the pier, which would be $100 for 5 days.
Then you have to have a passport; add $90 or so if you don't have one already.
Shipboard expenses? Yep! While the food is good, and generally free, on Majesty of the Seas there are some up-priced eateries. Tea and juice are free, but sodas are not, and of course alcohol you have to pay for.
If you choose to gamble, that'll cost you money, too. (Unless you get lucky. :))
If you leave the ship at one of the ports-of-call (Bahamas or Key West) for an excursion, that can cost you extra, as well.

book now...you can always cancel later
and yes, the Artmore is the party-palace, the official hotel and the courtyard of water and flame

I'm sooooo stealing this. :)

Ever seen one of those lower end interior state rooms? You don't have to be claustrophobic to feel pinched. They are TINY and have no windows at all. The beds are very narrow and you can barely turn in the bathroom.

Okay, now I'm getting apprehensive about my upcoming, first-time cruise. Thanks a ton! :yow: :lol: