70000 Tons of Metal: Glenn, I want your opinion

I thought the amount of thrash was disproportionately high already :( Bring on the power and cheese!

I guess there are some, but in terms of headliners that's the only genre I can think of since there are already some high profile bands on this who aren't headliners. I'm also guessing there probably won't be many, if any more power metal bands as there's a lot already, and considering this is being promoted towards Americans more than any other, they won't have much more. Motorhead would be a good one to headline too now come to think of it. Same problem with them though.
Guys it seems pretty obvious to me. They are charging on average fairly easily $1000 per person. They are booking the WHOLE ship so they are are probably getting a heckuva deal. I would guess they are netting probably $500-600 per person. $500-600 per person x 2000 = 1-1,200,000. So my guess is they are probably looking at profiting around $200-500,000 on this. Also frankly I think to take the risk and have full time staffers on hand for this amount of time your going to need that kind of profit potential. I doubt most of the bands are doing this for any sort of vacation, they are probably being paid quite well.

Try charging $600 per person to a 4 day festival. Not going to happen. Under the guise of the cruise they can get away with this and everyone still think its a "deal" instead of screaming rip off.

Genius actually. I bought my tickets early on. Hopefully I actually end up going.

. Ever seen one of those lower end interior state rooms? You don't have to be claustrophobic to feel pinched. They are TINY and have no windows at all. The beds are very narrow and you can barely turn in the bathroom. I'd take the full suite for ProgPower any day over that. Guess it's just a matter of opinion.

Ya, but on this kind of a cruise you really shouldn't care about your room size as you'll be passing out buzzed late every night and then getting up to eat outside of the room.

I've always thought this criticism of a party cruise was unfair, cause if you are needing a big room, then either:
(a) you aren't partying enough
(b) you need to party more.

I think everyone just about has it covered....

*The price of putting the actual festival on is being disquised as part of the cruise fee. Otherwise, you could not pull this off on land as noted.

*Noble Knight is probably close to accurate on the potential profit margin.

*My guess is that they did indeed get one hell of a deal with the cruise line based on booking the entire ship (which is one of the older ones with less appeal to regular cruise attendees). With the type of profit margin built in, any flat payment is covered.

*They have numerous big name sponsors listed on their website. I would bet there is no actual money being exchanged, but as simple promotion and association deal for everyone involved.

*The majority of the international bands are already going to have year long visas in play. That cuts down on 3-4K expenses per band. I would not be surprised to see a few short tours or other shows announced closer to the date of the cruise. I'm betting the cruise promoter has blocked any other announcements, etc for fear of cutting into his own sales up until a certain date.

*The lower bands are playing for nothing but their rooms.

*The big boys annnounced so far are probably pulling in the high end fee of any U.S. show they could book AND getting the cruise aspect thrown in as a bonus. I have no idea about the "headliners" to be announced? I'm not sure why you would wait much longer to announce those considering all the lead time required by consumers to make a decision on attending.

My personal opinion is that the promoter is doing a hell of a job so far. I really hope it succeeds. I will say that I would want no part of a cruise from a technical standpoint. It would be absolute hell getting all the backline cleared and through customs on to the ship. Plus, if something goes south, you can't run out to guitar center to replace a broken foot switch, damaged hard drive, etc., etc.

And just an fyi...I was indeed aware of Sanctuary's intention to play the cruise. They were nice enough to give me the first announcement and I appreciate that from them and their booking agent. As I said earlier, I expect another 2 shows to be announced in the future.

That said, I think I'm covered with the hardcore Sanctuary fans. You want them for 45 minutes in a cruise ship ballroom with questionable acoustics/lighting....or for 90 minutes at Center Stage with my acoustics/lighting...take your pick.
You want them for 45 minutes in a cruise ship ballroom with questionable acoustics/lighting....or for 90 minutes at Center Stage with my acoustics/lighting...take your pick.
I did. ;)

I've always thought this criticism of a party cruise was unfair, cause if you are needing a big room, then either:
(a) you aren't partying enough
(b) you need to party more.
The hangover accompanying said partying is not enjoyed, by me, in the tiny state room on a boat on the water. As I said, matter of personal preference.
I am going on this, I've paid for my room quite a while ago and we're looking into flights right now. For those who are skeptical, I willl let you know how it is when I get back. :kickass:

For those who are wondering about the number of women that will be on the ship, maybe take a gander at the official forums for the fest. Lots of ladies posting on there it seems.
That said, I think I'm covered with the hardcore Sanctuary fans. You want them for 45 minutes in a cruise ship ballroom with questionable acoustics/lighting....or for 90 minutes at Center Stage with my acoustics/lighting...take your pick.

chosen and ready to wait for the 90 minutes at PPUSA - fuck. YEAH! :)
(alas, never been on a cruise, so i don't know what else i might be missing...but at PPUSA, i have everything i need :) )
I was indeed aware of Sanctuary's intention to play the cruise. They were nice enough to give me the first announcement and I appreciate that from them and their booking agent.
This isn't surprising. From what I understand, Nevermore is a pleasure to deal with when it comes to booking them for festivals. Which seems like a win/win for all involved, as one would expect that Nevermore headlining a festival, especially here in the U.S., and more specifically in the south east, would be a guarenteed sell out. :loco:
Remember, the World is a small place. Just because this might not be mainstream here, does not mean it is not mainstream elsewhere. That marketing exec from Helsinki might take that sales rep from Nokian Tyres in order to impress. Or, that rookie ad rep on Madison Avenue might pay to send the two teenagers whose father is VP Sales at Wesayso Corp. in Germany. Put it all on the expense account. Just remember, some people will be paying upwards of $4K including airfare at one shot for this. Not that many can afford it. But, labels, promoters and marketing people can. Hence, why I say that this was not meant for the likes of us.

I am definitely not in the record biz, nor am I even a millionaire, but I can certainly afford this. I would be going purely for the entertainment of it, not to try to scope out some potential band for a record contract or what not. Hell, I'd love to go, but like I said before, this is back-to-back to a Park City, Utah ski trip that I am definitely going on (and this 70K tons of Metal thing would actually be cheaper than the Park City ski trip). During the winter, in my book, skiing takes precedence over metal. Believe me, there are a number of good shows that I'd love to have seen at Jaxx that I ended up missing simply due to being out skiing instead. Thank God that Glenn does not hold ProgPower during the ski season (although that maybe the one exception I'd make :Smug:)
I am definitely not in the record biz, nor am I even a millionaire, but I can certainly afford this. I would be going purely for the entertainment of it, not to try to scope out some potential band for a record contract or what not. Hell, I'd love to go, but like I said before, this is back-to-back to a Park City, Utah ski trip that I am definitely going on (and this 70K tons of Metal thing would actually be cheaper than the Park City ski trip). During the winter, in my book, skiing takes precedence over metal. Believe me, there are a number of good shows that I'd love to have seen at Jaxx that I ended up missing simply due to being out skiing instead. Thank God that Glenn does not hold ProgPower during the ski season (although that maybe the one exception I'd make :Smug:)

Yeah I'm with you. While I can't afford it at the moment, if I was in good shape I would probably. I don't think it's THAT expensive, and I most certainly don't think it's aimed at people in the record biz. If that was the case, there wouldn't be ads of it in metal magazines.
Sorry, Paul, my bad. You got room for me under your bunk, I'll pay a third. :) Let me know how it all turns out ...

After your description, I'm not sure there'd be room for the Evil Monkey under the bunk, let alone a hooman. :)

*My guess is that they did indeed get one hell of a deal with the cruise line based on booking the entire ship (which is one of the older ones with less appeal to regular cruise attendees).

Truth. I'm paying $450 for the same ship and itinerary. Royal Caribbean discounts Majesty of the Seas a lot because nowadays, their bigger ships (Allure of the Seas class) have double the capacity and a lot more onboard stuff.

However, per RC's website, Majesty of the Seas' "godmother" is....Queen Sonja of Norway.
Take THAT, newer and bigger ships! Norway is always cooler! :)
After your description, I'm not sure there'd be room for the Evil Monkey under the bunk, let alone a hooman.


Let me try and ease your fears. I've been on 10 cruises, and on about half of them we've had little inside cabins. While it is certainly nicer to have a big room with a balcony, we never had a problem with the insides. The ships usually offer lots of nooks and shelves to put your stuff. The beds are usually high enought to fit your luggage underneath. Honestly, I think you'll be fine.

The two things you'll want: a plastic shoe pocket hanger from a dollar store (great to hang up on door or in bathroom to hold all of the little things) and an extension cord for the electronics.


Steve in Philly

P.S. - On topic post. I'm not going on this cruise, but only because there aren't enough bands to spark my interest (and the price for 4 nights is a bit high). If the headliners sway me enough, I might reconsider. I think this is a trip that I could get my wife on, since she'd be on a cruise ship and wouldn't have to see all the bands.
We are going :-) Ill post how it was in Feb :-P

Cool! Blind Guardian and Blackguard were just added to it.

I just got back from my cruise on the same ship, so if you have any questions about the ship itself and stuff, fire away! (This goes for anyone else, too.)

I had a few thoughts about the fest after seeing the ship and talking to some of her crew, including the captain...

-- I dunno how they're going to get the ship ready in time. They're building a custom stage for the pool deck, but unless I'm missing something, Majesty of the Seas returns from her prior cruise the same morning as their departure for 70ktons, later that afternoon. And after their return, she departs for the next cruise later the same day. These are realllly tight windows. As Glenn put it, if something breaks, they can't just drive over to Guitar Center and pick up a replacement.

-- They're having some of the shows in one of the theaters on the ship (it's called The Chorus Line). It's really elegant...and has fixed seats. Or at least, they will be attached to the floor at the beginning of the cruise; dunno about the end. :muahaha:

-- On-board staff and crew, especially the ones who are basically tipped automatically (dining room staff and cabin attendant) were really courteous. Not sure how crowded the 'formal night' in the dining rooms will be during 70 ktons, though. How many metalheads will bring a suit and tie, or a dress? :)

-- Majesty is an older and smaller ship by today's cruise standards, but it's still decent sized and the refit makes it look pretty good. For the normal (i.e., reduced) price that RCI charges I thought it was a fair deal. For a higher price such as 70 ktons is charging, well.....it will be interesting to see how it turns out.

BTW, I was expecting my 119 sq ft. interior cabin to be smaller than it actually was. It helped that I wasn't sharing with anyone.
I can't believe this is a few months away, and still five bands not announced? And these are supposed to be headliners?

I have seen that the cheap cabins are gone, so this means the odds of me going now is even smaller. I figure it'll cost me and another person ~$3000 to go now... Yikes. Still, an amazing lineup so far.