8 channel ADAT preamps suggestions?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Need to pick something up to expand my inputs a bit soonish, anyone have any recommendations? I sort of want the Onyx 800R but it seems silly to have 20 of the same preamp but apparently they are the best ones out there in the price range... Other idea was to get a Profire 2626 and run it in standalone mode as a preamp since it comes with the added benefit of being able to run M-Powered if I ever need ProTools compatibility for any reason. How does the Focusrite Octopre and Presonus stuff stack up?
From memory, the 2626 is basically an Octane + all the extra shit - ie, octane preamps - so you may as well just go for an Octane.
I was looking at getting an Octane but got a wicked deal on a Focusrite Octopre - and its awesome! Much better than the M Audio Octane.
I have a profire 2626 as main interface and Focusrite Octopre LE as expansion 8 channel preamp. The differences between the 2 preamps are irrilevant.
If you wanna connect the Octopre via adat you need an additional card
or just go for AUDIENT (!!!!) this would be a real step up. They build class A mic-pres with an unbelievable SNR (signal to noise ratio).

I´ve the m-audio fast track pro at home (with two of the octane preamps) they are OK...In the studio I use an mackie onyx 1640 (which works great)
But a look at the technical manuel shows that the octane are at the same level dynamic wise (I think onyx are about 100dB dynamic, and the octane are 104dB)

What interface do you use?

I´m realy interested in selling my onyx 1640 and buy an m-audio 2626, (just because of space and I do alot of mobile recording)

So I think I´m going to buy an M-Audio 2626. An AUDIENT adat 8-channel mic pre, ART PRO DMPA II 2-channel mic pre with adat...

I also read that you can combi the 2 channel adat mic pres together as an 8 mic pre adat AD....

but check out the AUDIENT . It is a lot of money (1300€) but it´s worth it.
An Api 4 channel without adat coste double of the Audient;)
Pretty sure the Octopre LE is the best preamp-wise in the price range (besides the Onyx 800R of course, though I'm not saying that's necessarily better), though the fact that the Profire would let you run PTMP is definitely a BIG advantage IMO, so I'd go for that! (especially since a) the preamps are still decent and b) you can put less important instruments through it if you really need all the extra inputs)
Just wondering how come no-one mentioned the Digimax range, especially the new D8 which seems a good bang for the buck... Issues?

I dig my FS. No problems whatsoever. Sounds good, transparent. I think everything in that under 1000$ range is like comparing apples to apples.
I dig my FS. No problems whatsoever. Sounds good, transparent. I think everything in that under 1000$ range is like comparing apples to apples.

All this shit is the same, tbh.

Event he preamps in my $1,000 interface sound the same as my $400 interface. (IMO I suppose).

I myself have been considering getting a profire 2626 for the 8 extra preamps, plus ability to run PT just in case. Lasse, do you really think the Octopre is that much better? For awhile I wanted the Onyx 800R, but I don't think it's necessary to spend $1,000 for preamps that sound practically identical to the ones in a $400 interface.
The Profire has got pretty decent instrument inputs (1Mohm, though I know thats not the only consideration in the quality of a DI) Also the pre's on the Profire have pad's, whereas the octopre doesn't. Heard alot of people saying the fact that you can clip the octopre's inputs even with the gain all the way down is really annoying. And of course the ability to run Pro Tools is a real advantage (though you'd need to buy M Powered, so thats and extra expense)
Yeah I'm assuming the pre's on the Octopre are very similar at least to the Saffire Pro preamps in which case they start at +12db or something even on zero. That's not a big deal at this point though because I have 12 preamps that do have pads that probably sound better than the Octopre anyways, I just needed some extra inputs for stuff like room mics, triggers, cymbal spot mics, etc.