Onyx Preamps


Jan 24, 2012
I've not tried the Mackie Onyx preamps but i've heard many good things about them being a decent low cost preamp for extra tracks etc. The new VLZ4 mixers have Onyx preamps and very low price points. Can something like the 402VLZ4 (which is $99.00) be used as a standalone preamp. I don't see direct outs or inserts but i do see a pan hard left and right button. Would running from the 1/4 main outs left and right work the same as direct outs as far as clean signal path? Would it be just like Onyx 800r or would it suffer from signal path? Hope this question makes sense. For 99.00 this looks like a decent way to get a few preamps. Maybe im wrong.
I had a Satellite once; small little firewire thing, I believe it had two Onyx pre's. They were very usable.

Look - imho - if you're just after clean neutral sounding preamps, there are a LOT of good options. If you're after character preamps, then doubtless high-end is still the way to go. But for clean inexpensive ones, pre design these days is really good at the lower end of the market.

You could try this, heard good things:
Thanks for the reply, i wasnt really trying to start another preamp thread. I have boutique preamps (great river), RME preamps, Maudio preamps, plus others. I was hoping one of the preamp gurus on here could tell me the differences in quality between signal paths of the device due to not having direct outs on the preamp.
I think any concern with extending the signal chain relates to noise floor and distortion. I haven't used that onyx model but my experience with that series is that they're quieter than many older expensive boards that run a lot hotter.