8 String Ibanez guitars

Unicorn said:
I can't imagine that an 8string guitar with a low F# can sound any good. With drop E, it's the same tone as a normal tuned 8 string bass, and you know what distorted power chords on bass sound like. There's no power behind it anymore. For my ears Bb or B (H) should be the lowest, everything beneath begins to lose energy.
I knew a band who put bass strings on their guitars and even had to millcut the string-guideway and it just sounded like crap.

Wouldn't you agree that meshuggah have a pretty powerful sound though? They've been using this tuning since Nothing.
Apparently Nevborn couldnt keep up with their demands for spareparts and backups and so forth so Ibanez took over

Torniojaws said:
They are custom made for Marten & Fredrik only. They used to use Nevborn guitars, but I guess Ibanez made a good deal for them and they returned to Ibanez.

The interesting part is that they only use .009 - .070 strings on the 8 stringers. Hell, on my 7-string, I have .011 - .070. The strings must be very floppy on their guitars :err:
It's become silly at least, with these 8 strings guitars...

Does anybody remember Cop Shoot Cop? They used to play with two bass guitars.

To me what Meshuggah really need is two bass players for rhythm and only one spare guitar for acid/tapping/noisy solos.

It's like blades on shaving razors: one blade at a time we now have the 4 blades, and soon we will shave with the 8 blades Gillette Mach Speed Third Millennium™©.

Enter Nostradamus mode: Meshuggah by the year 2009 will play the 12 string guitars!!! (and not the Jimmy Page one, 12 strings separate!!!)
Go figure. :grin:
The thing that struck me when i first heard of this was the good old Spinal Tap scene "Well you see this guitar here, it's got eight strings".
"Well why not detune a seven string guitar?"
"Well you see, this one has eight strings"....
Fabbio said:
It's like blades on shaving razors: one blade at a time we now have the 4 blades, and soon we will shave with the 8 blades Gillette Mach Speed Third Millennium™©.
What a great analogy! I actually found out that double blade razors shave a lot better.
Fredrik-Ablaze said:
The thing that struck me when i first heard of this was the good old Spinal Tap scene "Well you see this guitar here, it's got eight strings".
"Well why not detune a seven string guitar?"
"Well you see, this one has eight strings"....

I'm not sure whether I'm agreeing with you or disagreeing, but I remember people making an identical arguement against 7 strings when they first came out. Actually, I still hear people saying that about 7 strings.:grin:
Andy Sneap said:
getting a bit silly isn't it!!

Yeah, and sillier and sillier.

9 string guitar?!?!?

Next step: the Michael Angelo double neck, one side tuned with standard guitar gauges and the other with extra low and lower. Maybe lower than lower.

Dogs will love all the ultra and sub sounds. :grin: :grin: :grin:
I agree, low tunings are getting way too low. I remember when "Drop D" was like "holy shit man, that's heavy!" Then I remember the first time I heard Crowbar's first album. I believe they were in low B flat (that was as heavy as it got back in 93' think).
I gradually crept down lower...and "low and behold", I reside in low B flat playing a 28 inch scale baritone. I love it though. I even had to buy the Randall 2x12 x 1x15 instaed of a 4x12 to handle the beef. I do admit that it takes a certain amount of technique in lower tunings to not sound like an out of tune mess.
Torniojaws said:
They are custom made for Marten & Fredrik only. They used to use Nevborn guitars, but I guess Ibanez made a good deal for them and they returned to Ibanez.

The interesting part is that they only use .009 - .070 strings on the 8 stringers. Hell, on my 7-string, I have .011 - .070. The strings must be very floppy on their guitars :err:

They're only tuned one semitone flat.
They dont, and the new album has heaps of "tone" and the tone of Catch 33 is just very different to a "standard" guitar tone. The riff's and movements on this album are killer, it's the subtle differneces that make it so interesting. But then again as my mate says, they could fart into a microphone and we would still love it!
I like Catch 33, but it's not really the Meshuggah I know. It actually gets boring to me. I know that there are subtle differences between the "movements" but hearing like 5 tracks in a row of basically the same riffage gets down right annoying. Don't get me wrong, there's more skill there than I will ever have, I just don't think it's all that enjoyable, even for me (serious metal fan and musician). I still like it, just not as much as I hoped I would.
The hard fact is that they are so original and the only way to continue their carreer is to go on onto this path.

They are obviously very 'unlistenable' but the problem is that the style it's becoming a little boring (to me personally, of course!).

They weren't so good when they ripped off ...and justice-metallica anyway, especially in the vocals departement.

The much praised 'Destroy Erase...' it's a transitional album, from the Metallica influenced days to their real style, rifferama with strange time accents on drums and agonizing voice.
I'm still a Meshuggah fan, its just that Catch 33 didn't get my attention. I'm sure most of us wish for the "Destroy, Erase, Improve", "Chaosphere" days, but if they kept doing that, then they wouldn't be progressing, nor would they be Meshuggah. Only they know why they need 8 strings, so I can't knock em' too much.
Exactly, they guys in Meshuggah have even said that this is something that they needed to get out of there system, the record which they have already started to write is more of a live feel, so all you guys wanting(myself included) another DEI or Chaosphere album could be in luck, I really enjoy Catch 33 for some reason it does not bore me at all, I know it should maybe I just like the challange?