8 String + Pod farm


Jun 15, 2010
Anyone have any advice for a good distortion tone using 8 string guitars in D (D G D G C F A D) on Podfarm?
Quite hard to get those low notes sounding clean.
Probably because you're tuned to D? haha, sorry I had to say it. What are you using now? Maybe people can give you pointers if you post a clip.
I just did a really quick BS test run with a 7 string in drop G.
I'm aware it's not the 8 string tuning but the rest of my band has the 8 strings and this 7 is all I got to record something real quick.
The settings on pod I used are on the left speakerTreadplate Dual with Drive all the way up, bass 50%, mid 75%, Treble 90%, Presence 90%. Plus screamer pedal drive 55%, gain 70%, tone 50%.
And on the right speaker Line 6 insane 75% drive, 70% bass, 65% middle, 90% treble, 90% presence. Also with screamer drive 40%, gain 45%, tone 50%.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13291790/Tone 1.wav
Tbh, you'd be better off using the POD as a DI and using some free sims and IRs.

I have an 8 string myself and struggled long and hard trying to get a decent tone out of it w/ a POD, but I eventually just gave up.

Something like the LePou sims,


are going to give you much better results than the hiss fest the POD will give you.

Also, while not free, the ReCabinet IRs will also give you infinitely better sounding tones than any of the POD 4X12s.
Thanks man!
I'll definitely try that out. :wave:

@Dexter_prog, yeah it sounded less distorted before I recorded it. For some reason to my ear it is sounding more distorted once I play it back. I will definitely tweak the drive knobs to get a clearer sound.
Hey TRY THESE and lemme know how they work! Used to tweak and share patches with Bulb. This is a set of three including his big bottom patch. Worked well on Pod Pro's and Pod Pro XT's, should be O.K. in Pod Farm. They are a few years old.
That is a sweet tone!
w/ Steven Slate drums right?

I'm gonna need those settings man, if you care to share (promise I won't steal 'em I'm just in need of some guidelines)

Only thing I would've changed is increase the drive up 5% on both guitars, but hey that's me.

thanks man, yeah its slate and superior.

i dont remember exact setting, but the chain in pod farm was just noise gate, tube screamer, and the treadplate head. tss had a little bit of drive, around half way gain. just mess with the amp settings to fit what youre doing. i used the treadplate cab with the condenser mic i think