8 strings pickups for death metal


Jan 7, 2008
Algiers, Algeria
im playing death metal (not djent) with my 8 strings guitar with SD blackout
im not satisfied with the sound (too dark)
can you suggest me other pickups?
(bkp aftermath, M8, emg 808 or 808x, ...)
gear :amp 6505, mesa 212 rect cab
should i go passive?
I'd definitely recommend BKP. Both of the guitars that I use for Metal have them in and they sound INCREDIBLE. I have a Jackson which I use for Death Metal which has an Aftermath, which sounds very defined and generally brilliant, so I can recommend that. Aftermaths should work very well considering they're geared towards lower turnings. You can also get bolt-less black covers if you wanted to keep the active soapbar look.

However, if you wanted to go BKP, I'd recommend emailing them with your guitar specs and a description of what you play. The owner, Tim, will usually respond with a suggestion. He knows his stuff!

I've not had much experience with actives, but if you think that the Blackouts are too dark, then maybe EMGs would be in order if you wanted to stay active? I believe they're slightly brighter than Blackouts; but someone with more knowledge should chip in and correct me here.

It all comes down to personal taste. I like the organic nature of passives, but actives still sound very cool. There's a reason that so many Metal players use them!

On a side note, I don't think I've ever heard Death Metal on an 8 string. It must sound huge :kickass:
Darkness of active pickups can come from absence of resonance peak around 2-3k, they have more highs, but at higher frequencies, while have less presence effect.
At least from my experience, if you want high average output and smooth highs go for active if you don`t need extreme average output (especially in case of blackouts) and more presence go for passives. Blackouts also duller than EMGs.
Seymour Duncan Nazgul or Aftermath/Miracle Man. The Aftermath is tighter (better for Meshuggah type stuff IMO) and the Miracle is voiced more old school, better for death metal, if your doing a lot of "chugging" I would go for the MM personally.
Sound clips really do nothing when helping you decide on pickups i'm afraid, there's so many variables to the sound and the pickup in your guitar with your rig will sound absolutely nothing like a video/soundclip