9 songs + 27 mins. = No Way


New Metal Member
Feb 23, 2004
I can't beleive this cd is 27 fucking minutes long. No fucking way will you get 12 bucks from me for 27 minutes worth of music.
Well obviously you have never brought a Deicide Cd before and you aren't a fan of them or otherwise you would have realised that all their CD's are around the 30 minute mark. Their first s/t titled Cd is 33 minutes, Legion is 29, Once upon the cross is 28, Serpents is 30 etc.
Correction, I am a huge fan of them but it took till now to realize that 27 minutes of growls and drums are just not worth MY money. Did you here it yet? Not one of their best.
Nah i havn't heard it yet as it hasn't been released in New Zealand yet. But from what i have heard of the samples and the scars of the cruxifix mp3 i will definetely be buying it as it sounds a lot better than their past 2 offerings
well at least they are giving a dvd along with it. But yeah 27 min is cheap espacially with the 2 pile of shit cd's they released before that. Oh well, at least they will get to promote the cd and keep up their rockstar attitude I don't talk to fans and don't sign cd's at shows.
Belgar said:
well at least they are giving a dvd along with it. But yeah 27 min is cheap espacially with the 2 pile of shit cd's they released before that. Oh well, at least they will get to promote the cd and keep up their rockstar attitude I don't talk to fans and don't sign cd's at shows.
I dont know where you have seen them but every time I have seen them Glenn goes about for ages talking to people and signing stuff. The rest of the band were happy to sign stuff as well.

Maybe you have just seen them on an off day, remember musicians can have a bad day as well
FatherBurn said:
Correction, I am a huge fan of them but it took till now to realize that 27 minutes of growls and drums are just not worth MY money. Did you here it yet? Not one of their best.

I guess U have never been a really Deicide fan then sucker....(every fucking minute is worth it)

The new album is really good I think (ass allways it gets better the more u here it), and especially compared too the last two albums, but they are history man... Keep it Metal!

Hail Satan Mothafuckers!
It's better that it's short as Deicide are the kind of band that are better off making a big, quick impact. The kind of material they play wouldnt hold up for much longer than 30 minutes as it doesn't have the depth of, say Nile so it's to their benefirt that they keep their albums short.
Who needs depth....Sometimes I guess, but still I have days only listening to decide!.. And the lenght of an album is not important but the songs are!!...Belegurth for total world domination...
I've talked to a guy who plays in a band that used to be on Earache about this and Deicide in general and it turns out that Earache apparently got a consul in every contract that the minimum length of all album they release is 27 minutes. :)
Well hmmmmmmmm, growls and drums.................you forgot the guitars and basslines. You know you think 12 bucks it too much? Here in Canada we will probabley pay like 18 or 19 bucks, for a mainstream comercial band like metallica its like 30 bucks or was i dont know now since the mp3 revolution came in. But anyway i think the cd is worth the money and this time it sounds totaly devastating. Too be honest with everyone NO band will EVER replace their first album or the album that got them popular. Every band is raw and fresh at the beggining i think deicide have maintained their power and know when to release it and how during certain moments rather then just bash it all out at once. Like Glen said they have "matured" they have more organization which i think is great and the reults speak for themselves. Its surprising to see some people and their reaction towards their stuff but everyone is intitled to their own opinion. I think scars is a great album and they sound nice and clean instead that vintage deicide murky sound on their older albums where hardly any notes were audible. But it was raw true enough but it wasnt something i could sit down and say "ok thats how you play that part" mabey they should redo some of the old classics in this new age format but then again people will find a way to critisise that. Short album mabey but the quality is exceptional and i would rather buy this album then morbids New Album even thuogh i did that too......man.oh well its all good music anyway. Deicide rocks and they sound kick ass too me so hey, i will seem em when they come too town.
I was actually HAPPY when I found this CD to be short like the rest of Deicide's work. I thought for sure that after Glenn had been working with Vital Remains that there'd be an overload of guitar solos and a few songs that run 7+ minutes like on the Dechristianize LP (which I own and enjoy... it's just NOT Deicide).

Scars of the Crucifix is by far the best song on the release, but the whole thing is worth much more than $12... I should know, I bought mine at FYE and paid $18 USD for it. That's dedication, motherfucker.

If you don't like this record, you don't like Deicide. And if you don't like Deicide, all I have to say is what Glenn said on the inside of the Serpents of the Light jacket... "if you don't like us, fuck you, fuck your Jesus, he likes it in the ass."

You guys would think anything is good if thats what they told you to think. Your all sheep being lead by the shepard(record company)
Well i dont know man without a record company behind you what promotion do you have? That isnt the point anyway. I think this "sheephearder" is guiding these guys in the right direction. It is about fucking time this band get the recognition it deserves as well as the right production. When i heard When Satan Lives that was the first indication to me on how talented these guys were. Too be honest i was kinda confused as to how in thefuck can they play so fast,tight and still be audible. Yeah yeah the magic of the studio is brilliant and so many things can be over dubbed and manipulated to sound pretty much the way you want but what i notice that they cant duplicate spirit and energy........at least i dont think. You still need to play in order to break out the effects. The thing with Deicide that i have noticed that even when they try to experiement and be a bit snazzy still their is a certain energy produced by this band. Steves drumming for instance, ok fine mabey a bit of production can really show it off but if you heard him play live he dont miss a beat, and Eric and Brian Hoffman are very well talented when it comes to guitaring and know each other real well (their brothers lol) Glen is relentless with his energy too during a live show. We all know heavy metal bands will always sound good in the studio compared to their live shows and yeah i do agree with you if the record company says its hype it will be..........but what about Metallicas "biiiiigggggg" comeback? St what? lol. Anyways over all without the right production and promotion bands like these will always be playing underground and will never get recognition they deserve mabey Deicide needs to step out of their shell a bit and live that rock star life the deserve to live, fuck come on! Bands need to enjoy what they work hard on, i mean if i hear Glen Benton singing or some poppy shit then yeah then we can call him a fake. Over all man, its true labels can make a person like what they really dont but if we all have heard Deicide this record shows off what they were and i guess are today. In Torment in hell was hell to listen too i didnt mind Insyneratehymn ( i thuoght the album was ok but most hated it) Apocolyptic fear was the best on that. All together if the record company wants me to think what they put is good they dont have to, i have listened to the album and i dig it. Best song..............hmmmmmmm, ok its a toss up between Enchanted nightmare or From Darkenss Come actually wait the best songs are those two and mad at god, fuck your god. ACtually the whole fucking album is gooddddddddddddddddddd nevermind, i was just saying what my favs were and what calms my hunger.
kremator, u got some good points!....And hell yeah, no scandinavian band are as evil as deicide, cause they are not metal to da bone like they are. Some scandinavian bands are, but mostly it all comes down to pussy and money....And Fuck that!... Like glenn said it even when u go shopping for food u feel the metal down ur spine.....Hell yeah.. And all this talk about paying some amount of money for a record....Totally bullshit!...If u love the music ur gonna buy it, so simple is that!
]Well hey its good to hear a compliment, i hope Glen Benton himself reads these posts to see what us de-freaks are thinking. I have heard some pretty mean shit about Glen and comments about the band and like what the fuck? Glen sings funny, the band aint no good like why the fuck do people post for a band if they dont like them? People like other bands and compare Deicide to them, like fuck they are in their OWN league folks, if you like them you do if you dont FUCK OFF! They are metal gods of evil because they produce what they play live. You know how hard it is to play this shit live? I dont care man you can smoke all the pot you want for timing and pump yourselves full of drugs all you want to open your mind to this style but your gonna come up short. Deicide created this style of metal cause its their own way. Death was good but chuck shuldiner changed his line up too much (R.I.P. man you were a king too) Deicide has had the same line up since day in and day now. How old are they now like in their late 30's? And they are still doing this and going strong? This is intense man, this deserves respect. Glen Benton too me is a cool dude who is finally opening up and letting us inside his mind to see why he is the way he is (read Glens bible tip on deicides website) Either that or he is bulshitting us which i really have a hard time beleiving that. But then again marijuana can cause skitzofrenia. Ok another thing in that video clip of the band they are pretty cheerful guys "is that are ride?" "alright its time to rock some shit now" hehe (watch the vid clip)Deicide has prooved themselves once again too me. I dig, i will buy their albums, t shirts and anything else they will throw in our hungry faces and why? Cause they are just that damned good and worth spending my hard dollars on. fucking right guys you kick ass and the boys here in Toronto cant wait for you to get your evil ass's out here again and kick our teeth in with your truth. Be humble be modest i dont care, to me Deicide is the led zepplin for my generation. Oh by the way, Glen Benton would love the movie Passion of the Christ you should see the violence and the way they tortured Jesus to death, Glen would enjoy it. hehe Deicide RULES!
I think it's a good album and a far cry better than the last two. This is coming from a guy that picked up their debut when it hit the stores. Scars has a lot of punch and it's great to see the band still has a lot of life and potential to still make an impact in the scene.

Oh yeah, Glen is cool to talk to but you have to catch him on a good day.
long cds get boring after a while, regardless of how good they are.
scars of the crucifix is short and sweet, leaves you coming back for more.

damn crybabies.