Well i dont know man without a record company behind you what promotion do you have? That isnt the point anyway. I think this "sheephearder" is guiding these guys in the right direction. It is about fucking time this band get the recognition it deserves as well as the right production. When i heard When Satan Lives that was the first indication to me on how talented these guys were. Too be honest i was kinda confused as to how in thefuck can they play so fast,tight and still be audible. Yeah yeah the magic of the studio is brilliant and so many things can be over dubbed and manipulated to sound pretty much the way you want but what i notice that they cant duplicate spirit and energy........at least i dont think. You still need to play in order to break out the effects. The thing with Deicide that i have noticed that even when they try to experiement and be a bit snazzy still their is a certain energy produced by this band. Steves drumming for instance, ok fine mabey a bit of production can really show it off but if you heard him play live he dont miss a beat, and Eric and Brian Hoffman are very well talented when it comes to guitaring and know each other real well (their brothers lol) Glen is relentless with his energy too during a live show. We all know heavy metal bands will always sound good in the studio compared to their live shows and yeah i do agree with you if the record company says its hype it will be..........but what about Metallicas "biiiiigggggg" comeback? St what? lol. Anyways over all without the right production and promotion bands like these will always be playing underground and will never get recognition they deserve mabey Deicide needs to step out of their shell a bit and live that rock star life the deserve to live, fuck come on! Bands need to enjoy what they work hard on, i mean if i hear Glen Benton singing or some poppy shit then yeah then we can call him a fake. Over all man, its true labels can make a person like what they really dont but if we all have heard Deicide this record shows off what they were and i guess are today. In Torment in hell was hell to listen too i didnt mind Insyneratehymn ( i thuoght the album was ok but most hated it) Apocolyptic fear was the best on that. All together if the record company wants me to think what they put is good they dont have to, i have listened to the album and i dig it. Best song..............hmmmmmmm, ok its a toss up between Enchanted nightmare or From Darkenss Come actually wait the best songs are those two and mad at god, fuck your god. ACtually the whole fucking album is gooddddddddddddddddddd nevermind, i was just saying what my favs were and what calms my hunger.