9999 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall

7398 bottles of beer on the wall

7398 bottles of beer

give um a $pound $24 found another carton of beer off the wall:lol:

cheers maiden1

-1x24=7374 bottles of beer on the wall:kickass:
9999 bottles of beer on the wall

9999 bottles of beer

:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:I drink 4 more there's

a knock at the door,2 more bottles:kickass::kickass:of beer off the wall

9993 bottles of beer
9993 bottles of beer on the wall

9993 bottles of beer

I take 9003 bottles ( well vikings are sleeping at my place)

I knock 1 at the door

992 bottles of beer in the wall
900 bottle of beer on the wall

900 Botlle of beer

I drink 15, but when i try to carry some home i break them cos i'm drunk so there's only 860 bottle left

860 bottles of beer on the wall
860 bottles of beer on the wall

860 bottles of beer

:kickass:I drink one :yell: theres a knock at the door :waah: ELLO :waah:ELLO :rock:ENGLAND SCORES, ANOTHER 6 :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: :kickass: bottles of beer off the wall

853 bottles of beer on the wall....:kickass:
853 bottles of beer on the wall

853 bottles of beer

I drink one , pass it around

852 bottles of beer on the wall

851 bottles of stella on the wall
851 bottles of stella

I take one down, i wanna drink it but damn it falls , so i take an other one but i slide on the messy ground , it breaks and i cut my hand daaamn

849 bottles of stella on the wall
849 bottles of beer on the wall.
849 bottles of beer on the wall.

Drink one down, *I see the cops and run*

848 of bottles of beer on the wall.
848 bottles of beer on the wall.
848 bottles of beer on the wall.

take a 20 for tonight , I'm being moody and start drinking them on my way home

828 of bottles of beer on the wall.
800 bottles of beer on the wall
800 bottles of beer

was playing hokey with some friends :Saint: so we broke many
wait i'm gonna count them

563 bottles of beer on the wall
561 bottles of beer on the wall
561 bottles of beer

My boyfriend just proposed to me so i call the girls n invite them home, n cos we're tough girls beer is our ceremony drink :kickass:

412 bottles of beer on the wall ( we were 45 girl n we got really drunk :lol: )
412 bottles of beer on the wall

412 bottles of beer

I go into a pub, walk up to the bar

barman asks, wot ya wont?

I'll av rrrF

barman said you :yell:YOU F*CKING PRI*K

411 and a 1/2 bottles of beer on the wall......:lol:
411 and half bottles of beer on the wall

411 and half bottles of beer

Drink one , n put an other one in my bag ( shuut that's for my dog ;) )
409 and half bottles of beer on the wall