How many bottles of beer on the wall?


i ħ ∂/∂t |ψ(t)› = Ĥ|ψ(t)›
Nov 18, 2005
well the rulez are:
-) you can drop up to 66 bottles / day
-) proceed with the given scheme:
---> X bottles of beer on the wall, if Y bottles happen to fall, how many bottles of beer on the wall?
-) replace X with <X - Y> of the previous post

i'll start:
66666 bottles of beer on the wall, if 21 bottles happen to fall, how many bottles of beer on the wall?
66645 bottles of beer on the wall, if 2 bottles happen to fall, how many bottles of beer on the wall?
66645 bottles of beer on the wall,
I drink them all,
U got no beer left you fuckface,
Take you beerfest to another place,

OH shit this aint the rap batle thread...
Lithium said:
66645 bottles of beer on the wall,
I drink them all,
U got no beer left you fuckface,
Take you beerfest to another place,

OH shit this aint the rap batle thread...
Lithium said:
hahaha, just got a little carried away there :rofl:
you (sucker) destroyed my (rul0r) dream of making an own thread game (here)
i cant sleep tonight... ^^
haha :lol:

But BloodredRidinghood gave u 400 to go on with your rulz0r gam3!11
xxLil' Bloodred Ridin' Hoodxx said:
I'll by you 400 beer, so you can carry on :p
ahh my father just cam home with 40k bottles...

40400 bottles of beer on the wall, if 1 bottle happens to fall, how many bottles of beer on the wall?

[[would be just interesting how long it would take to complete it]]
40378 bottles of beer on the wall, if 17 bottles happen to fall, how many bottles of beer on the wall?

we pay (or not) emos to eat the glass
HomerJ_123 said:
40378 bottles of beer on the wall, if 17 bottles happen to fall, how many bottles of beer on the wall?

we pay (or not) emos to eat the glass

that leaves 40361 bottles of beer on the wall...but ima drink 8 of those right now!!

And by the way, you dont have to pay those emos to do that, they'll even pay you to eat glass, slith their wrist with it or terrorise their parentals
40353 bottles left on the wall, I'l drink 9, how many are there left on the wall?

Yea +1 to glycerines answer, those fags will do that anytime!
Glycerine said:
after those eight bottles i just drank i'm not able to *hips* count them *hips* anymore...sorryz0r
40344 bottles of beer on the wall, hmm lets drink 25 together with Glycerine and Lithium,.. *glooc glooc.. x..h1ckz".. and additional 5, now how many bottles of beer on the wall?
40314 bottles left on the wall.....let's have a drink with banned glycerine, and Homer!! we're able to finish 45 bottles!!!
Lithium said:
40314 bottles left on the wall.....let's have a drink with banned glycerine, and Homer!! we're able to finish 45 bottles!!!