Disgusting lack of respect.

well not all americans are stupid but we dont have any respect for anyone not just canadians so dont take it personal were assholes needless to say. but you people talking shit that arnt american, you probably dont even know anything about us except we pretty much helped europe stay europe during the hitler days
^We know you suck OMG!!!
jk :p

Shit, I was drunk in line, a bunch of us were hating the bottle smashing, I'm sure I was drunk enough to help you out if I knew wtf was going on :)
Wildchild87 said:
well not all americans are stupid but we dont have any respect for anyone not just canadians so dont take it personal were assholes needless to say. but you people talking shit that arnt american, you probably dont even know anything about us except we pretty much helped europe stay europe during the hitler days
i probably know more about your own country than you do.
seriously, idk about you guys but im not a fan of slam dancing, i mean i head bang and all that but i come to see a band play and to watch their technique. im just not into it.
^I aswell, I headbang quite the bit usually, i dont slam around, I try my best to avoid moshing. This show had 3 pits going at once at one point, so it was harder to do
The Soulforged said:
seriously, idk about you guys but im not a fan of slam dancing, i mean i head bang and all that but i come to see a band play and to watch their technique. im just not into it.
my buddies do all that hardcore dancing stuff simply because its different than moshing you know? some people just get sick of it..they mosh as well but its all just different.
eh its stupid to me, I just want to enjoy the show watching and listening to a band I like headbanging along without getting injured or anything.
yea, it is kinda hard not too mosh with the type of music. jsut standing around isnt fun but jumping and head banging is a must. if someone pushes me i push back so i can get my spot back. but i leave it at that.
"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius."