Disgusting lack of respect.

Enemy242 said:
haha of course you mention they listen to are you dead yet so they have no say. seriously, don't suck the cock of some people here, its really pathetic. they are just stupid people who don't know anything about music or guitar in general. i listen to some tracks off are you dead yet occasionally but i don't act like them or think like them, and i don't just listen to cob and such. listening to are you dead yet doesn't instantly make you no absolutely nothing about music.
yes it does :Spin:
i also forgot to mention the lack of respect they have for people near the gate or in the pit. for instance when somebody wanted out I was the ONLY one getting the security guards attention to help them out and they only one helping i had done this about 6 times before i just lost and and yelled at them to make some fucking room so some girl could get out. fucking pathetic.
spirit crusher said:
i also forgot to mention the lack of respect they have for people near the gate or in the pit. for instance when somebody wanted out I was the ONLY one getting the security guards attention to help them out and they only one helping i had done this about 6 times before i just lost and and yelled at them to make some fucking room so some girl could get out. fucking pathetic.

Yeah, it's like that everywhere though.

Deadnight Warrior87 said:
That's quite possible, I mean I am a natural citizen.

All hail President Sikh Muslim!

yeah! I'll give you my vote! I mean wait.........I can't!.......woops sorry there buddy, you're on your own now.
that's just so disgusting and pathetic, i really can't believe how people are like that now :erk:
spirit crusher said:
i also forgot to mention the lack of respect they have for people near the gate or in the pit. for instance when somebody wanted out I was the ONLY one getting the security guards attention to help them out and they only one helping i had done this about 6 times before i just lost and and yelled at them to make some fucking room so some girl could get out. fucking pathetic.

while that girl shouldnt have been in the pit in the first place, but still there is no excuse for that. If somebody wants out of the pit, guy or girl people should let them out. I once have to punch some guy in the face cause he wouldn't move his fat ass. Instead he deceided to kept pushing me in even when i told him to move.

Another time at Ozzfest (land of the assholes) some chick was in th3 pit and nobody was letting her out. She eventually got thrown to the ground and was cut up real badly. I litterally had to pick this random chick up and carry her to the first aid station.

Some people just need a good pimp slap....
spirit crusher said:
i also forgot to mention the lack of respect they have for people near the gate or in the pit. for instance when somebody wanted out I was the ONLY one getting the security guards attention to help them out and they only one helping i had done this about 6 times before i just lost and and yelled at them to make some fucking room so some girl could get out. fucking pathetic.
honestly, girls don't belong in the pit. but i personally don't think pits should happen. it really takes away from my experience when some dipshit elbows me or some shit cause he feels the need to act like an idiot.