Disgusting lack of respect.

I am not surprised at these American guys with no respect... it makes me sick but not surprised at all. Being American and seeing people like this all the time is disgusting to me, and I am tired of the lack of respect we have in America. Americans have no respect for people of other countries or for our own neighbor…

Just driving down the street or going to a restaurant, the way that we treat each other here in the US is sickening. That is why I quit my customer service job; I was going to start killing people for treating me like trash and disrespecting me. What happened to treating people the way you would like to be treated? In other countries, do you have this lack of respect and selfish attitude?
perfecterror said:
Just driving down the street or going to a restaurant, the way that we treat each other here in the US is sickening. That is why I quit my customer service job; I was going to start killing people for treating me like trash and disrespecting me. What happened to treating people the way you would like to be treated? In other countries, do you have this lack of respect and selfish attitude?

It's way worse here in Venezuela, but unlike in the US, it's not because of racism, it's because people generally don't care and are not taught customer service properly.
^well when i was a customer service employee, customers would treat me like dirt, and i felt like i was about 5 seconds away from jumping over the counter and ripping their eyeballs out. yea me... i am a nice person, and i was that close to going crazy. i hate people. thats why i like my new job where i do not have to kiss customer's asses all day.
Its sux that you need the money to survive otherwise you could just tell them to fuck off. I did that once, but honesty I was counting my till up near the counter and was clearly busy and done my shift. This bitch started bothering me and I told her I wasn't working. Then she insited that I do something for her, saying some stupid shit like"is this how you treat your customers" i just said, "Look, I am not working OK? LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Needles to say, I wanted to punch that bitch. She was even using that bitch tone when she talked to me.
^errr I know that situation exactly. Sometimes the parents/adults act worse and more immature than their own children throwing temper tantrums in the store to get what they want. one time a customer read my nametag and said "so, your name is Jayme... you spell that like a slow person would spell." and i said, "my parents wanted to make sure people like you could read my name off of my nametag." she looked at me like i was crazy. it was great, i was lucky she didnt say anything to my manager, haha!
perfecterror said:
I am not surprised at these American guys with no respect... it makes me sick but not surprised at all. Being American and seeing people like this all the time is disgusting to me, and I am tired of the lack of respect we have in America. Americans have no respect for people of other countries or for our own neighbor…

Just driving down the street or going to a restaurant, the way that we treat each other here in the US is sickening. That is why I quit my customer service job; I was going to start killing people for treating me like trash and disrespecting me. What happened to treating people the way you would like to be treated? In other countries, do you have this lack of respect and selfish attitude?

I got yelled at once for not having a product in stock on December 23rd. "What? Its your job to have the OC Season 2 on DVD WTF!!!"..."Its not my job to order thigns actually, and Its not my job to make sure we have enough on the busiest shopping day of the year"

anyway...I didint gget in trouble because my manager heard the guy yelling, it owned.
I know what you guys mean. This lack of disrespect is everywhere. I'm walking down the hall in school and these groups of people constantly hang out right in the middle of the hallway. I say excuse me, trying to be polite, and all I get is looks. Right in the middle of the hallway! They don't move and it's imparing people from getting to their classes! God damn!
I know what you guys mean. This lack of disrespect is everywhere. I'm walking down the hall in school and these groups of people constantly hang out right in the middle of the hallway. I say excuse me, trying to be polite, and all I get is looks. Right in the middle of the hallway! They don't move and it's imparing people from getting to their classes! God damn!

I got those, but it was almost always small kids 14-16 so I just pushed them if tehy gave me "looks".

Im not a violent person, but people who do shit like THAT reallly piss me off.
CliffBurton said:

:lol: :lol:
