9999 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall

403 bottles of beer on the wall

403 bottles of beer

I go into a pub walk up to the bar

barman asks wot do you wont

give us a coffee mate


403 bottles of beer still on the wall...:kickass:
403 bottles of beer on the wall

403 bottles of beer

I drink one n smach the other on the wall
mm i'm gonna also take maiden's bottle too , never waste good stuff dude :lol:

400 bottles of beer on the wall
400 bottles of beer on the wall

400 bottles of beer

the girls are coming round party all night

wot do you wont

one of the girls said lets jump in to bed

A bottle of beer for the rest of the girls

399 bottles of beer on the wall....:waah:

399 bottles of beer
397 bottles of beer on the wall

397 bottles of beer

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii drink at the Town and Country

were the atmosphere is great...:rock:

I like to have a beer with Charley...:kickass:

cos Charley's me mate.....:kickass:

395 bottles of beer on the wall....:lol:
395 bottles of beer on the wall

395 bottles of beer

take one down , pass it around

394 bottles of beer on the wall
394 bottles of beer..:kickass: on the wall

394 bottles of..:kickass:

take one down pass it around

it gets back to me, now its a bottle of peeeeeeeeeee...:ill:


393 bottles of beer:kickass: on the wall

393 bottles:kickass: of beer..........:lol:
393 bottles of beer on the wall

393 bottles of beer

10 fall to the ground I share them around

10 more bottles of beer off the wall...:kickass:

383 bottles of beer on the wall

383 bottles of beer
383 bottles of beer on the wall

383 bottles of beer

i'm feeling bad so i drink 20 hoping i'll feel better
damn i'm still awake
two more n i felt asleep

361 bottles of beer still on the wall
993 bottles of beer on the wall
993 bottles of beer

i take one down and drink it at once
i still need more , i'm thirsty i drink two others

990 bottles of beer on the wall!
990 bottles of beer on the wall

990 bottles of beer

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

for drinking 21 bottles of beer off the wall...:Spin:

969 bottles of beer on the wall

969 bottles of beer
966 bottles of beer on the wall
966 bottles of beer

take one down, no two, no five!

961 bottles of beer on the wall!
961 bottles of beer on the wall

961 bottles of beer

there's a party in town

I shout the next round

461 bottles of beer off the wall....:waah:

500 bottles of beer on the wall:kickass:

500 bottles of beer:kickass:

the Mayer came to Town

said Hello and your the next round


39 bottles of beer on the wall
39 bottles of beer on the wall
39 bottles of beer
whaaaat only 39 :zombie: !!!
I take 38 and leave the last one , i only drink pair numbers
I hate impair ones , yeah yeah superstitious
1 bottle of beer in the wall
oh no no more beer !
I order for a whole cargo of beer , the fun should never stop
so it's back
9999 bottles of beer ( in cases under the wall didn't have the patience to put them in order on the wall :p )
i take one cos i wanna see how good they are
hell yeah Heineken is way too good
9998 bottles of beer in the wall