A/B ed5ted and UNedited project


Oct 30, 2008
hey guys!

well this is my first time slip editing and boy do i want to kill myself right now...
iv'e edited the only the guitar tracks and it was a real bitch and took a lot of time but anyway i tought i'd upload the edited version and the unedited version for your comparison...

note that the drums are MIDI and the part which was edited was the guitars

edited version:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17437036/Humanit's Dusk EDITED.mp3

UNedited version:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17437036/Humanit's Dusk UNedited.mp3

i guess no one wants to say "that sounds bad..."

i know, it's only the EDITING i'm comparing, but OT nothing sounds good on cubase 5!
i think i'm going back to studio one... the only DAW so far iv'e got good results with
Good job on editing, I'm certainly no authority here but I think you did well. I hate how edited stuff sounds, I'd rather track guitars riff by riff (not note for note) until it's all acceptable takes, but I guess you don't always have the luxury of time/working with at least half-decent players :(
I guess the guitars are well edited, the machine gun snare is distracting =/ Also the bass drum sounds pretty bad.
1. thanks guy!

2. you should really read what i wrote... the point here is NOT the sound. the drums will be recorded E drums by a human.
bass, well i intend to record, iv'e posted a thread that i'm looking for people to record bass for me and those who responded never did it, so i'm still looking! :)

3. i'll upload another A/B sample today which sounds better (!)

4. i know the intro drums are AWEFUL!