A Bathroom Question.


OT Guru
Sep 4, 2008
New York
When you folks need to go pee-pee and there just happens to be a piece of toilet paper waterlogged in the toilet, do you guys aim for that piece of toilet paper?

I know a nice bar/club where they have soocer goals (is that the right word?) so you have to aim at a little ball that hangs on a string.
That's great fun and after like 5-10 beers you here guys screaming "Goal!" pulling both hands up in the air while pissing...
I prefer to actually try to miss the toilet paper wad. It can actually make pissing a little more interesting, as the wad seems to try to chase the impact point of the piss. :goggly:
I rarely piss directly into the water let alone aiming for any debris floating around in there. 9 out of 10 times I piss towards one of the toilet bowl walls so my piss races around in a spiral like those coin-donation funnels in the shops... you know the ones... you drop your coin down a little slide and it races around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and ar-CLINK.
Slightly OT but I've managed to piss over 11 feet high up using the side of an old barn to measure one night during a few beers. I wish I had pics for myself because it was pretty amazing and I'd like to look back on that night and go "heck yes" but also for proof that it really happened.
Around here they paint a big fly in the toilet to pee upon.


Fun for the whole family!

* I am waiting for the day someone makes a picture of his asshole and sticks that in a toiletbowl *