Toilet-paper researchers create 3-ply tissue

This is a good point. Tbh, the really long ones aren't necessarily for reading as much as they are for unloading my opinions on something, as silly as they may be. I've always said that this board is probably more of a sounding board than a message board for me. It's just that I enjoy the smartass comments provided by you guys/gals, as long as they aren't mean-spirited...if they are just mean-spirited, you're probably douches anyway.
Well, I'm not really so smug and condescending in real's just much more fun to be on here. Getting under people's skin who say you can't get under their skin provides the lolz. Shpongled is like this earthy, happy, "peace brother", sort of hippie metalhead who basks in his own aura and prides himself on being laid back and not letting people get to him. I think me and Will are the only ones who can, though. (Wait for the reply about how my nonsense doesn't get under his skin) He's a cool guy, nonetheless. I just like passively posting shit that bugs him and then reading how it doesn't bug him and then get into a long debate and argument about the fact that it doesn't bug him.

Am I elitist? Maybe.
Damn here you go again, does it ever end?

You don't irritate me at all. You confuse me. You type SO MUCH and nobody cares, yet you keep on talking about how strong you feel about your opinions and I just wonder why you bother so much.

You tell a broad she looks fat in a dress, I tell you that you talk too much. Then I get up and walk away from this computer and forget you even exist. I couldn't even begin to try and seriously describe you and your personality because I've never paid enough attention outside of the fact that you live in Italy, play in a good band, and talk a whole lot about things I don't care about.

That's all I really have to say. If you want this to be some big long debate, the ball's in your court.
No, it doesn't work that way. You post walls of text ad nauseum, and when someone responds, you respond in summation, "AH HA I GOTCHA."

By the same logic, your response just now to me was vis a vis in the exact same vein.

My response to you was a joke.

When I respond to a response, the tone has usually already been set for a (sometimes) good debate due to the fact that I take up pretty firm stances on things that are usually a little outside Joe Blow's mode of thought. By the time someone has responded, it's usually in contrast to my post, and my response is not "gotcha" or whatever.

If I have something on my mind that I think would generate a lot of debate, I'll post it. I don't give a rat's ass if you like it, hate it, or even hate me for's gonna go on there. It usually falls back to the same principles, though, and that can get a little tiresome for some people. But hey, if I think something's fucked up, I'm gonna say it and I'm gonna back it up with my reasoning until you can show me another side that supersedes it.
Damn here you go again, does it ever end?

You don't irritate me at all. You confuse me. You type SO MUCH and nobody cares, yet you keep on talking about how strong you feel about your opinions and I just wonder why you bother so much.

You tell a broad she looks fat in a dress, I tell you that you talk too much. Then I get up and walk away from this computer and forget you even exist. I couldn't even begin to try and seriously describe you and your personality because I've never paid enough attention outside of the fact that you live in Italy, play in a good band, and talk a whole lot about things I don't care about.

That's all I really have to say. If you want this to be some big long debate, the ball's in your court.

No, it never ends. Hehe, jk.

Don't be confused, man! It's all in good fun! If I type something really long and drawn out, it's got some thought behind it, of course. But shit like this is just me fucking around.

I dunno, maybe it's me subconsciously trying to resurrect this dying fucking board from all the shitty and boring fucking topics you guys (not necessarily you Kevin) post every day.

I mean, politics that much inferior to "here is a picture of my dirty mirror" or "Toilet-paper researchers create 3-ply tissue", ESPECIALLY these days? This thread would've died a loooooooong time ago if I hadn't just piggybacked on Will's comment, which was a complete joke in which neal and I both agreed was taken out of context, only to get resurrected by you guys ONCE AGAIN. So obviously, YOU ARE INTERESTED.

I'm just trying to find something interesting to talk about, even if it pisses someone least someone on this shithole of a board could feel SOMETHING, because to be honest guys, posting about what you had for lunch is about as interesting as burning off genital warts. I miss the Neverboard circa 2003.

I just want some sort of stimulating conversation like there used to be all the time here. Now it's like everyone has ADD.

The funny posts aren't even funny anymore. It's like you guys have short-attention spans AND no sense of humor.

Hey liverslapper, didn't you want a copy of our album? Dude, get on Yahoo or MSN Messenger and I'll send you the MP3s. Just tell me your screen name/email addy and I'll put it into mine.

Uh huh huh...I'll "put it into mine".
Hey liverslapper, didn't you want a copy of our album? Dude, get on Yahoo or MSN Messenger and I'll send you the MP3s. Just tell me your screen name/email addy and I'll put it into mine.

Uh huh huh...I'll "put it into mine".

hell yes! i dig sky lab!

just add "liverslapper" to your yahoo, ill get on after work :D
So out of curiousity today, when I was taking a shit I decided to pry apart a piece of toilet paper, and omg it was 3-ply :O