Toilet-paper researchers create 3-ply tissue

It's not Quilted Northern, it's Georgia Pacific...and their money and scientists do a variety of things besides make fucking toilet paper, genius.
ahh yes, they also produce lumber, paper pulp, and "related chemicals" just the people to fix education and healthcare! great plan, genius.

My point was the fact that there are many other things that warrant throwing money at besides toilet paper.
yes i agree, for people who's specialty isnt TISSUE TO WIPE YOUR ASS. christ, you cant even pass a thread about TP without turning it into another OMG AMURICA GOTS PROBLEMS bitchfest. you're starting to resemble some old codger that complains about everything, regardless of if it makes any sense or not.
ahh yes, they also produce lumber, paper pulp, and "related chemicals" just the people to fix education and healthcare! great plan, genius.

yes i agree, for people who's specialty isnt TISSUE TO WIPE YOUR ASS. christ, you cant even pass a thread about TP without turning it into another OMG AMURICA GOTS PROBLEMS bitchfest. you're starting to resemble some old codger that complains about everything, regardless of if it makes any sense or not.

Can't help it if I'm right, and I can't help it if it pisses you off. GP does have a hand in environmental issues as well, and it would've been nice to see money thrown at something like the environment instead of 3 ply tissue. I was using the above examples to show where our priorities are, that's all. It was a joke, I wasn't really serious, even though there's an underlying message. My point in all of this wasn't really about toilet paper, but moreover, the researchers.

The article claimed there are toilet paper researchers...and this is where the disease, poverty, health care and education came in. "Gee, I don't want to be a scientist and try to fix the world's problems...I wanna be a toilet paper researcher and study how it feels to wipe your ass with a 2 ply vs. 3 ply." Obviously that point was completely lost on you because you're so defensive and oversensitive about Amurica's shortcomings that you can't even respond to a post like that without biting and defensive sarcasm. Well, guess what, Mr. Sensitive? Every time something like that comes up, I'm gonna throw that shit out there. EVERY TIME. And you know what else? Unless you stop posting here or ignore my username, you're gonna have to deal with it. I'm gonna do that. Just for you. If it really bothers you, maybe coming at me from a different angle besides being a complete and total dickhole would get you somewhere. I don't know why I'm still typing,'s not like your attention span is long enough to read all of this anyway. You drop your little passive aggressive comments every now and then, thinking it to be so funny and unique, when to me I just see some pothead with too much time on his hands. Sorry to spoil your fun and burst your bubble, but grow some thicker skin and realize that although you may disagree personally with my views, it doesn't mean that I don't bring up a good point. If it really and truly does get under your skin, you should say something and not hide behind smart-ass comments.

I don't like being a dick to you, Neal, but maybe you should stop being an asshole. I'll be the first one to tell you that I'm somewhat of an elitist, and do you know why? Because I can be and I can back it up. Is there a reason you're such a tool to me? I mean, I can be a real prick and that's just who I am. I'm a nice guy but I have very strong opinions. I don't attack anyone on the board and besides, it's the friggin' internet. Why be passive aggressive? Why not just come out and say what you feel instead of dropping little nuggets of sarcasm?
You guys realise that you're having a serious argument in a thread about toilet paper yeah?
Of course...that's what's so fun.

In any case, my initial post was sort of in tandem with Will's comment about how silly it is to consider it an achievement to have 3 ply tp. It was never meant to be political or inflammatory...just kind of a joke.

Neal really, really, REALLY doesn't like it when I do that and starts in on me. Happens every time. After a few hours it will go away, but not his hurt ego...oh no...he'll hang that shit over me for weeks.
It is like breaking into a whole new dimension in TP, the 3RD PLY!

Will the 3rd ply paper wipe a hole in the fabric of time and space? Possibly.
Will the 3rd ply paper wipe away mankind to make room for a new alien species to take over the world? it could happen.
The only advantage of 3 ply I can see would be the lack of folding involved. Would we end up using less wood due to the lack of folding, or using more due to the extra wood needed to make it 3-ply?

Points to ponder.
hahaha oh dead winter, you're a funny guy. a few unorganized thoughts to ponder before my stoner attention span moves on...

i agree america has many problems, and when i make smart ass comments to you, im only indirectly 'sticking up' for america. mostly its because i disagree with your view/solution to the problem, not that i deny the problem exists. im no flag-waving blind patriot.

i agree that research into environmental and disease concerns needs to continue, but not by these toilet paper idiots. i doubt these are guys that got their degree in some crazy obscure human physiology, but instead of going into cancer research, they went into TP research!

i see now from further explanation that i did take your comment more seriously than you meant it, but since you make a similar comment about AMERICA GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET!@ in every goddamn thread its not hard to see why (which is also why i respond, not because im actually mad or something). TP is so far removed from actual important science and research i was baffled as to why you would bring it up at all. im not psychic, and its just text.

i love how on the internet everyone thinks that they are the only ones who are joking, and everybody else is totally serious and fuming mad.

im not offended by absurd comments, i just respond to them sarcastically because its fun, and it makes me laugh. i dont have a firm stance on many issues, i just like to disagree with people and make smart ass remarks so they explain why they feel that way.

only thing that actually annoyed me was the genius comment. the smugness there made me want to reach through my monitor to italy and choke you, because they are primarily in the business of slangin paper, not solving global problems.

After a few hours it will go away, but not his hurt ego...oh no...he'll hang that shit over me for weeks.
hahaha this is just too ridiculous, you give yourself waaay too much credit. i dont hold any lingering resentment toward you, i just like to respond to your ludicrous commie rantings :)
if 2 ply is good enough for


its good enough for me!
hahaha oh dead winter, you're a funny guy. a few unorganized thoughts to ponder before my stoner attention span moves on...

i agree america has many problems, and when i make smart ass comments to you, im only indirectly 'sticking up' for america. mostly its because i disagree with your view/solution to the problem, not that i deny the problem exists. im no flag-waving blind patriot.

i agree that research into environmental and disease concerns needs to continue, but not by these toilet paper idiots. i doubt these are guys that got their degree in some crazy obscure human physiology, but instead of going into cancer research, they went into TP research!

i see now from further explanation that i did take your comment more seriously than you meant it, but since you make a similar comment about AMERICA GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET!@ in every goddamn thread its not hard to see why (which is also why i respond, not because im actually mad or something). TP is so far removed from actual important science and research i was baffled as to why you would bring it up at all. im not psychic, and its just text.

i love how on the internet everyone thinks that they are the only ones who are joking, and everybody else is totally serious and fuming mad.

im not offended by absurd comments, i just respond to them sarcastically because its fun, and it makes me laugh. i dont have a firm stance on many issues, i just like to disagree with people and make smart ass remarks so they explain why they feel that way.

only thing that actually annoyed me was the genius comment. the smugness there made me want to reach through my monitor to italy and choke you, because they are primarily in the business of slangin paper, not solving global problems.

hahaha this is just too ridiculous, you give yourself waaay too much credit. i dont hold any lingering resentment toward you, i just like to respond to your ludicrous commie rantings :)

Haha, I put that "genius" comment in there because I knew it would piss you off.

And for the record, I can't fucking stand commies. If anything, I'd be more fascist than commie. Don't know where you get that shit from...probably due to the fact that you think everything is "OMG YOU FOOKIN' COMMIE SCUM" if the government does ANYTHING for know, the entire reason it's there. Of course, we have differing opinions. I think the government should work for the people, and you think the government should fuck people. Have fun with that.


Sorry. Couldn't help myself. :lol:

This is what puzzles me. You're sticking up for the US government when they've completely fucked up every single thing in our country, albeit indirectly sticking up. Why? Why not just call a spade a spade? Is it pride? I mean, I'm really proud of the US and I really can't stand the fact that we have to police the world because everyone else is too busy with their thumbs up their asses, but I can't even indirectly stick up for us and our indiscretions lately.

It bothers me that everything's fucked up in the country that I sacrificed 9 years of my life for, yet it merely bothers you that I'm telling it like it is. You don't seem bothered by the actual reasons why, just the fact that I'm pointing out the flaws in our country while simultaneously giving other models and examples of change that could work in our country. Yet, every time I do that, I'm called a commie or a socialist.

You may say that you're not a blind, flag-waving patriot, but the way I see it, the only thing that separates you from them is that you don't actually have a flag. I'm very critical of our government because it's fucked up, and it should bother you that it's fucked up and not because other people are critical of it. I understand the whole, "you don't live here so fuck off" mentality; but I did live there and I served my country. I feel if anyone has a right to be critical of the goings on in my government, it's me. Call me elitist or whatever, but that's how I see it.