A big "kiitos" to Turisas!


Nov 6, 2007
Hello all,my name is Dimitris and I am from Greece.From that pikku Kreikka to the south of Europe as a Finn perhaps would describe it.

It was only a few months ago that I randomly discovered Turisas and I was impressed by their music,songs,lyrics everything in their spirit of this "Battle Metal"....this warrior epic songs.
A few days ago I discovered the Varangian Way,heard a few songs and read some lyrics and I just feel so happy that somebody actually made an album about the Varangians like my ancestors called them,the people who came from the North and became the most loyal and worthy warriors of the Byzantine Empire.The concept of the album is amazing,the lyrics and the music everything makes you feel that you're living the tales of all those hard Northern guys who sailed from the North in search of riches and fame.

And what made me almost cry was when I was reading the lyrics of Miklagard Overture that talks about the Queen of Cities,Constantinople and describes it in all it's grandeur and beauty and power(Greeks have a very special love for this city,after all it was our capital for 1100 years).

So I don't really know if anyone from Turisas will actually read this or not,I don't know.But I just wanted to say all this,thank you for making this masterpiece thank you for making us "dream" again,for making us want to stand up and grab a bloody sword and starting shouting,for making us feel this shiver everytime we listen to those songs.Kiitos paljon Turisas!

P.S.I haven't really looked yet,but are there any Turisas albums being currently sold in Greece now or we have to wait a bit?Because I seriously doubt they have any Turisas stuff here.This is the country where everything comes here late.
Hey man! Welcome to the Turisas forum! Just one pointer, this post should probably have gone in the off topic section, but, I guess it matters not now. And it's good to hear that the songs affect you in such a way. And as for the CDs being sold in Greece I can imagine that they would be, as Turisas (as far as Metal goes) are a pretty popular band.
And what made me almost cry was when I was reading the lyrics of Miklagard Overture that talks about the Queen of Cities,Constantinople and describes it in all it's grandeur and beauty and power(Greeks have a very special love for this city,after all it was our capital for 1100 years).

THen rise up and go kick some Turkish arse.

W00t w00t!
Hey,Foinikas, we're neighbours haha, im from Bulgaria, whatever, im glad too that Turisas have made so damn epic songs.the lyrics, music, vision, everything is impressive. Cheer for Turisas !!!
So I don't really know if anyone from Turisas will actually read this or not,I don't know.But I just wanted to say all this,thank you for making this masterpiece thank you for making us "dream" again,for making us want to stand up and grab a bloody sword and starting shouting,for making us feel this shiver everytime we listen to those songs.Kiitos paljon Turisas!

And yes Dimitris, we pop in here every now and then to see what's going on. Thanks for sharing your experience. Your appreciation really means a lot to me.
Nygård;6742298 said:
And yes Dimitris, we pop in here every now and then to see what's going on. Thanks for sharing your experience. Your appreciation really means a lot to me.

I actually got a reply from Nygard!That is amazing actually!Kiitoksia!;)

Yesterday I had a friend of mine from Finland send me the Varangian Way longsleeve and "The Varangian Way" DVD right away from the frozen lands of the North,from the Baltic sea they come down to Thessaloniki(the second biggest city of the Byzantine Empire after Constantinople)so isn't it funny...they'll almost go through the same way as in the journey :heh::heh::heh:

I love the fact that the album is historically acurrate and of course describes Constantinople in that Miklagard Overture song in a perfect way.

hm shoot ..

we're going 28th of december till 4th of january :)

I'm going with melchen and sansu and 2 others who aren't on this board for as far as I know

just, party 'n stuff :)
I wanted to ask a question.If Nygard can reply to me,then it'll be cool.

I was looking at the Turisas profiles in their site and their favorite Conquerors and Nygard's favorite was Basil II.That's Basil II the Byzantine Emperor right?The also known as the "Bulgarslayer" like we call him here.

Or someone else perhaps?
I wanted to ask a question.If Nygard can reply to me,then it'll be cool.

I was looking at the Turisas profiles in their site and their favorite Conquerors and Nygard's favorite was Basil II.That's Basil II the Byzantine Emperor right?The also known as the "Bulgarslayer" like we call him here.

Or someone else perhaps?

Yes, the so-called "bulgarlayer"

WIKI - Basil also wanted to restore to the empire territories that it had long lost. At the start of the second millennium, he took on his greatest adversary, Samuil of Bulgaria, who also was of Armenian descent. Bulgaria had been partly subjugated by John I Tzimiskes, but parts of the country had remained outside Byzantine control, under the leadership of Samuil and his brothers. As they raided Byzantine lands starting from 976, the Byzantine government sought to cause dissention by first allowing the escape of the captive emperor Boris II of Bulgaria. This having failed, Basil used a respite from his conflict with the nobility to lead an army of 60,000 men into Bulgaria and besiege Sredets (Sofia) in 986. Taking losses and worried about the loyalty of some of his governors, Basil lifted the siege and headed back for Thrace but fell into an ambush and suffered a serious defeat at Trajan's Gate at the Battle of Trayanovi Vrata.

Basil escaped with the help of his Varangian Guard and attempted to make up his losses by turning Samuil's brother Aron against him. Aron was tempted with Basil's offer of his own sister Anna in marriage, but the negotiations failed when Aron discovered that the bride he was sent was a fake. By 987 Aron had been eliminated by Samuil, and Basil was busy fighting both Skleros and Phokas in Asia Minor. Although the titular emperor Roman of Bulgaria was captured in 991, Basil lost Moesia to the Bulgarians.

From 1000, Basil II was able to focus on his war with Bulgaria again. Samuil had extended his rule from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea and raided into central Greece, and Basil was determined to reverse the fortunes of the empire. In 1001–1002, the Byzantines were able to regain control of Moesia, and in 1003 he raided into Macedonia, taking Skopje. In 1005, the governor of Durazzo surrendered his city to the Byzantines. During the next several years, the Byzantines failed to make any significant gains.

Finally, on July 29, 1014, Basil II outmaneuvered the Bulgarian army in the Battle of Kleidion, with Samuil separated from his force. Having crushed the Bulgarians, Basil was said to have captured 15,000 prisoners and blinded 99 of every 100 men, leaving 150 one-eyed men to lead them back to their ruler, who fainted at the sight and died two days later suffering a stroke. Although this may be an exaggeration, this gave Basil his nickname Boulgaroktonos, "the Bulgar-slayer" in later tradition.

Bulgaria fought on for four more years, but finally submitted in 1018. This victory and the later submission of the Serbs fulfilled one of Basil's goals, as the empire regained its ancient Danube River frontier for the first time in 400 years. Before returning to Constantinople, Basil II celebrated his triumph in Athens.

Long Live Bulgaria !!! Besides that i gotta tell you that our Khans were on of the greates,if your interested i can tell you a lot :rock: