A Big Welcome!


Mar 4, 2004
Hey all,
Just registered here. Been visting the site since it's creation but just never got around to getting involved. Now I am! I am a huge fan of Testament and have been so for years. Damn, going on 16 years now. Gettin' old I guess? Graduating college here in May and just thought that I would let everyone know that I do a radio show called A Little Bit Louder here at Southern Utah University on Power 91.1 in good old Cedar City (not from there, actually a native of Southern Cal.). Been doing it for that last three years and Testament is at the tops of the listeners requests here. Not to mention mine! I play all kinds of metal but focus on thrash/black/death and really love doing it. Just giving exposure to a type of music that is EXTREMELY overlooked in my opinion. Also, just back from a convention up in Salt Lake with Clearchannel, Infinity and Simmons Media to look at the possibility of doing a show up there. Clearchannel and Infinity just laughed in my face and Simmons was open to the idea but at the same time not. What is everyone's opinion about the future of radio and heavy music on the waves? Do they just not get it or am I just a rare breed of DJ? Let me know what you all think.
Jfdiscord said:
I do a radio show called A Little Bit Louder here at Southern Utah University on Power 91.1 in good old Cedar City. Also, just back from a convention up in Salt Lake with Clearchannel, Infinity and Simmons Media to look at the possibility of doing a show up there. Clearchannel and Infinity just laughed in my face.
The mormons in Salt Lake laughed? Were you surprised?
AFAIK, Mormons don't like metal.

I dont have an opinion on the radio. I don't listen to it unless it's Rush.
Limbaugh that is.

Oh yeah, Welcome!
The Alternative Rock Station in my town has a show on Sunday nights called "Metal Thunder". They play everything from Hair Stuff, to Thrash to Death and I don't know what-all-else. In fact, the alternative rock station in my town plays everything.
Actually the mormons didn't laugh it was the Media Companies. They are just interested in making the bucks and according to them there was no market up there to appease to. Weird, cause if I can heve a good following down here in a town of 30 thousand people then a town with close to a million should have more logically. Oh well! I'm trying back home this coming weekend. We'll see what happens.
Clear Channel would laugh at you for that idea. They are the borg, and will assimilate you!

Nice work, yes, you may be a rarity as far as trying to do a show like that. But, it depends on your PD and most of those shows.....are on the internet, sadly. Keep up the good work! Spreading the word is important! If more stations did a specialty show now and then...I might listen to regular radio. But, I don't...I listen to internet metal radio. It's the only way to go to hear what you need exposure to as far as I'm concerned.

There are metal heads in Utah...serve them what they want!

Is your station associated with Infinity or Clear Channel, at all? I hope not...they are so beyond dead serious that it's not laughable. You wouldn't want to get mixed up with that, hopefully.