A bit off-topic: other bands


Enchant Admin
Sep 10, 2002
Hey there,

I just re-designed the official Artension site (www.vitalijkuprij.com/artension). Just wondering how you guys like their music. Also, please check out my other sites: Everon (www.everon.de), Horizon (www.horizonsite.net), and Iluvatar (www.iluvatar.com).
By the way: the new Symphony X album rocks! And the next CD I'm going to get is probably the one by Ascension Theory...
Any opinions on those ?

Take care
-The Webmaster
i m just looking Iluvatar...I like the font that u use,it s like the old logo of CathedraL =) R u playing on this band?The name of the band is taken by TolkieN?
the look is very nice, but you are, like many sites, using Flash, which bugs me to no end personally. A well done PHP based site is much cleaner. I'd also comment that on the Iluvatar site the navigation is rather cumborsome as you pop up a sub-level navigation away from the original menu when you click on it. You need a more convenient method for sub menus I think. The look also takes away a huge amount of the viewing space.

That's just my quick, brutally honest opinion.


These are cool, I really like the Everon site, the music is awesome on the opening page, it fits. the sound effects are kind of funny but in a way cool? I like it. I am not familier with the other bands? especially Horizon???? I like the sites and checked out the music a bit. Man I listen to everything!

OK speaking of other bands and way off the suject :lol: you guys want to check out a sick and twisted act! but interesting? Try this, they need Wolf to fix their site though!


Hey they are actually appearing at Nearfest in 2003 :eek: that will be differant!