Any Gamers? (a bit off-topic)


Under The Dark Moon
May 1, 2001
Back in the Hellhole called Texas.
Just curious if any of you are game freaks and play online games? Other than x-box live (usually "Halo 2" and I have "Kingdom Under Fire", but it's complicated and I'm not going to even dare play someone else on it because I rarely play it at the moment) the main game I play is Ragnarok Online (international version). Very time consuming RPG, but fun and very addictive! :loco:
used to play quakeworld .. since my 12 years old up to 16 or something.. nowadays, sometimes I play it for the nostalgia.. ;P have tried some other games too.. UltimaOnline, Jedi Knight series, CounterStrike, quake II & III, unreal series.. etc.. but it was not as QW.

LoboUivante said:
counterstrike makes it for me, lost my home, my girlfriend and my job... and i still suck at it.
Now that's what I call dedication :hypno:

I used to be in an online gaming clan (Quake 2 / UT), but nowadays I don't care that much for games. Stuff like Tekken or sport games still rock though.

Nice to see a non Katatonia thread, that's also a way to "liven things up".
my dying groom said:
Now that's what I call dedication :hypno:

I used to be in an online gaming clan (Quake 2 / UT), but nowadays I don't care that much for games. Stuff like Tekken or sport games still rock though.

Nice to see a non Katatonia thread, that's also a way to "liven things up".
i was kidding, except the part i said about sucking at it.:Spin:
I played Everquest (evercrack) for about 5 months...and since have decided that playing a video game for a minimum of 6 hours a day was becoming too hard to keep up well as various other detrimental effects on my life such as sleep deprivation and girlfriend troubles.....and it just began to make me feel like shit....and so I just this week sold my character (LVL 70 SK with 374 A.A. points) for 400$....I could have got between 6-800 but I just wanted to get rid of him now....
So at the moment I am trying to not play any games and waste more of my time than I already have....
I mainly play Ghost Recon online. Also some Call of Duty every now and then. I used to be into Battlefield 1942, but games like the first mentioned ones made me realise that it's a very stupid game, so I sold it :p
Just started playing World of Warcraft... Highly addictive game :)
Apart from that, I don't play any games. Was a fan of Final Fantasy and Resident evil back in the Playstation 1-days though.