PC gamers: sci-fi + historical fiction + conspiracy + political intrigue...


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
If you like all of these things in your entertainment, and you haven't played the Assassin's Creed games yet, then please do so immediately. The whole series (incl. DLC) is 65% off on Steam this weekend, and the individual games are 50-75% off in case you have some but not all of them.

This is probably my current favorite video game franchise out there. The storytelling is amazing, the controls are very intuitive (even if your character at times tends not to do *precisely* what you want), and the gameplay is a strong, varied mixture of third-person platforming, fighting, stealth, resource management, and strategy (with a few RPG elements thrown in) that never gets boring; there's always something for your character to be accomplishing, even after the game ends.

For the full story experience, make sure you take note of the "glyphs" in the first game, do the Subject 16 puzzles in the other games, and go online and read the lore surrounding them afterwards to fill in any holes. So many AC fans think the series is about Altair, or Ezio, and the truth of the matter is that although they are strong characters with interesting stories themselves, they are just secondary players in the saga. I cannot wait for the next game; in addition to introducing a new assassin, it's finally going to wrap up the over-arching story with Desmond Miles which has been threaded through the past four games.
I'm actually working on II as my single player alternative to the insaneness of Battlefield 3. I own I as well but decided to pass due to the number of the times I had to restart the game w/o having the save files.... reformats kill the gamer in me. This time around in II, I just made it to the uncle (iirc)'s villa so not that far into it yet.. though I have gotten farther then that before