A Burzum Story, pt. 3

I never saw him as a smiley using kind of guy

anyhow. I read the 1st and 3rd article and found them very interesting. I wouldn't mind battling in the forest at night with like minded people and then talking about music and stuff...sounds pretty cool to me
unknown said:
I never saw him as a smiley using kind of guy


Interviews with Varg always make for an interesting read. I can't believe he is still talking about Euronymous, and how he killed him because he thought Euronymous was going to try to kill him.
Kind of sad and pathetic how the very country he is nationalistic for doesn't want anything to do with him.
"I think Vikernes is more nationalistic towards the way our country used to be, rather than what it has become."

But now that that country doesn't exist anymore, what is there to be proud about?

By the way, not trying to start some argument, just curious in what, if anything, can be done to bring Norway to the way it used to be.
Sort of off-topic, but Vikernes in that photo looks like the golfer Phil Mickelson, without the scar on the chin.
10293847 said:
"I think Vikernes is more nationalistic towards the way our country used to be, rather than what it has become."

But now that that country doesn't exist anymore, what is there to be proud about?

By the way, not trying to start some argument, just curious in what, if anything, can be done to bring Norway to the way it used to be.

He takes pride in his heritage, and he wishes that we could all return to simpler days. Days were people had totally different sets of values, different moral codes, different faiths, and so on. It's really a mind set that many black metal bands and fans agrees with.

"We were converted to christianity by the sword, and now we'll take it back with the gun..."

...or something like that...