A Burzum Story, pt. 3

Erik said:
Some? I would be surprised to learn that there were some other posters you liked.

I'm ambivalent towards most posters. Whether I agree or not, their posts give myself and others an opportunity to engage in a worthwhile correspondence. The Greys' posts, on the other hand, are non-starting. There's nothing to say about them because they don't make an argument. They're just a block of fallacies(usually, they're loaded with ad hominems) waiting to provoke a pointless flame war.

Speed is a good poster. Planetary Eulogy is good when he's around. Ojeblikket is capable. There are others, so don't feel bad if I left you out...
First I do not resort to name calling,etc.. until someone does not give a resonable explaination. Do you expect everyone to like Varg ?. My posts are not angry, this guy to me is a coward. I'd like to know why he would not be, why people read things he says,why someone in jail for murder is highly regarded. Most people would like to know. It seems the only people that think this guy is all that are kvlt black metallers,goths, which are not regarded as anything except to their own sub-culture. People get angry,want to kill but they don't do it unless they suck. People like this don't help the metal genre. Just make it look reality based when lyrically it's fantasy,over-exaggeration,creation to keep listeners,even the creators entertained for 95% of lyric writers,musicians. People like 'Varg' make it seem like people take lyrics,things seriously,can't distinguish fantasy/reality nor control their actions,feelings. This is music, it's not about adolscent people killing people,burning shit down because they don't like it,like someone elses way,can't grow up. Showing how weak you are by giving in to someone else instead of worrying about you, your family,kind. No one is asking you to accept something, like it. Leave people alone, people will leave you alone, you won't sit in jail showing you fully lost in a society giving up because you can not deal with different people,groups,life style's,etc... have to resort to stupid child antics 'there is no other way' bullshit. You're so much of a pussy you can't handle it. Not everything is how you want it to be. You're not going to like everything right now in 2005, or whenever, don't be a bitch.

Fuck that guy, this is not in anger either. Don't call me angry because it seems like you all have angst along with your stupid fashion,music and culture. Black Metal, we hate everything blah blah blah, cry a river. Now i'm the adolescent poster because I noticed.

I'm not angry now. Have no problem dealing with how I feel unlike 'Varg' plus other angry,teenage angst black metal musicians you like,support. Don't tell me I act like an angry 9 year old. You would be hypocritical on someone you support like the person this thread regards.

Make up,corpsepaint,goth clothing hot topic style,degeneration in a bad way and hypocrisy all in one music style. Holy shit, loserness,stupidity to the max. You're suppose to rise above the shit,improve, not give in fucking your own life up like 'Varg' for other people that are trying to tear you down. His head,hands should be removed so other morons do not listen to his stupid shit. Why would you want to be,do like the enemies you hate. You just gave in, lost and no one cares, so now you can sit in jail, have no freedom, you fucked yourself. Vent,live your own life, it's not that hard, don't give in. 'Varg' is everything someone should not want to be. Get a fucking grip, you can't get out,nothing changes, you're put here until your end. Don't sit in jail showing you lost. Face is, you can't change a world,society how would want it. It's a lost cause. You will not get anywhere so improve your own being instead of giving in. Burning something down,killing someone is not going to help you make a difference either when you're in a cell. Varg sits in his cell, release's statements,interviews talking about things that never will happen or be, thinking it's real,reality,tannable. We don't need politicians,especially someone striving to be political that sits in a cell.
@The Greys

Varg killed Euronymous because he feared for his life. Euronymous had sent Varg death threats, and that's a fact. Sure, Varg is a little of the mark some times, but he's not the deranged psychopath you're trying to make him out to be.

And where did all this 'fashion' crap come from? Some of the posters on this board have a huge amount of respect for Varg because of his enormous musical influence, and that has nothing to do with fashion, goth clothes or trends.

When you, an allready disliked poster, come here, and try to smear his name with inane and unenlightened comments, people get upset. If you said something like you disliked his music due to excessive minimalism or you disagreed with Varg's political stance, you would get civil replies. When you do nothing but post a picture of Varg where he looks funny, you are acting like a troll, thus, you get treated like one.

And not many people here are into "angsty", teenage black metal, at least that I'm aware of. In fact, one of the bands in your signature is angstier than most.

And finally, please learn to structure your sentences, as I get a headache from trying to read them.
Now we're making progress. You're right I should have not offended his looks. Regardless how much I dislike the guy should have explained instead of saying he looks like a fag,etc...

What proof is there on the death threats ?, actual tangible note's,phone calls which would not matter unless recorded, or Varg's, word ?.
Euronymous sent death threats to EVERYONE! :p And that's a documented fact. But in this case, the closest you'll get to hard evidence would have to be the testimony of the other band members.

Unfortunately, Varg, being perhaps a little paranoid, thought to himself, "better him than me", and the rest is history.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Would Euronymous' word be any more credible for you?

If no tangible proof than yes. 'Euronymous' word would be a lot more credible,believable to me than Varg's. He was a more talented,creative guitarist by a far stretch, ran his own store, his band was better. Varg would have more of a reason to kill him than vic-versa.
The Greys said:
talking about things that never will happen or be, thinking it's real,reality,tannable.

Leave it in the sun for a while.

ps- I'm going to beat you up.
why did you insist on putting Varg's name in quotation marks as if it was pseudonym or something? That's his actual name...he had it changed legally from Christ er whatever it was. It's not "Varg"...it's Varg
And here I was thinking the thread had blossomed to three pages of discussion on Varg's interesting writing. Fuck the Greys for trying to ruin this thread.

Granted, I have little repect for Varg as a person. Burzum's great and all, but Varg...meh. I'm glad I finally got to read a little on his perspective of his jailing. I don't agree with his views, but now he's more "human" a character to me, if that means anything.
@The Greys:

I don't know how you think you're going to get anywhere by coming in here talking about an angsty goth-fashioned teenaged murderous black metal "subculture" in the very same thread where THAT picture of Varg has been posted twice and quoted a couple more times! Don't try to understand WHY Varg killed Euronymous, 'cause odds are none of us have it right and Varg's never told the story 100% as it actually happened!

Also, trying to convince us to completely disregard articles written by a person on the basis that said person has been convicted for criminal activity, when "criminal" is just an arbitrary term defined by governments and people with power. Look at some of the ridiculous things that have been criminal offences at various points in history: long hair, certain styles of dress, being black on a friday night ( :loco: ), dissenting religious/political/cultural beliefs, etc, etc.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I thought you deserved a little more thought-out response than "WTF LOL LEARN TO MAKE A SENTENCE!1!!`~"
SunMontage said:
If you have a guitar you're a certified my pals...


He took that comment back realizing how stupid it was. Besides him being a moron in jail he's a hypocrite also. Way to go Varg!
The Greys said:
If no tangible proof than yes. 'Euronymous' word would be a lot more credible,believable to me than Varg's. He was a more talented,creative guitarist by a far stretch, ran his own store, his band was better. Varg would have more of a reason to kill him than vic-versa.

And thus, your own bias emerges.

You are more disposed to believing the Aarseth side of events because you esteem his musical works above Vikernes's, and somehow have correlated that subjective assertion into a belief that Aarseth's word has more "credibility" than his murderer. You also seem to believe that Vikernes was jealous of the mainstream "success" that Mayhem enjoyed - this goes against everything that V. writes about, and everything he values as a person. Are you just one more of the oversocialized leftists that Mr. Kazcynski has written about, and cannot see anything but the liberal democratic dogma you are vomitting all over this discussion, or do you actually believe that you've come to some sort of objective conclusion on this issue, and believe that your opinion on this issue actually matters?

You have successfully debunked your own arguments on this discussion, as you are basing your "facts" on your own opinions (opinions which don't correspond to verifiable reality), therefore your forthcoming overemotional opinion on me and what I represent is neither justified nor relevant. Slag me all you like, and wank off over your position on the moral high ground, but since you refuse to dwell in reality, you will remain laughed at and derided by those who actually use their brains. Your posturing is contemptible, and I along with the others here who are capable of post-simian thought processes will continue to chuckle at your attempts to salvage your pathetic self-image in a virtual environment that only seems to matter to you.