A Burzum Story, pt. 3

I don't see the need to know or even care about the events that took place between those two. Burzum was the better band musically, and all I care about is the music.
^ I don't understand shit like that either, he seems to be less up his own sphincter than most of the people here I must say (possibly including me ;)).
if people who have a strong sense of identity and have their own beliefs worked out instead of following the trends "need to get over themselves", the world IS fucked!
Blaphbee said:
And thus, your own bias emerges.

You are more disposed to believing the Aarseth side of events because you esteem his musical works above Vikernes's, and somehow have correlated that subjective assertion into a belief that Aarseth's word has more "credibility" than his murderer. You also seem to believe that Vikernes was jealous of the mainstream "success" that Mayhem enjoyed - this goes against everything that V. writes about, and everything he values as a person. Are you just one more of the oversocialized leftists that Mr. Kazcynski has written about, and cannot see anything but the liberal democratic dogma you are vomitting all over this discussion, or do you actually believe that you've come to some sort of objective conclusion on this issue, and believe that your opinion on this issue actually matters?

You have successfully debunked your own arguments on this discussion, as you are basing your "facts" on your own opinions (opinions which don't correspond to verifiable reality), therefore your forthcoming overemotional opinion on me and what I represent is neither justified nor relevant. Slag me all you like, and wank off over your position on the moral high ground, but since you refuse to dwell in reality, you will remain laughed at and derided by those who actually use their brains. Your posturing is contemptible, and I along with the others here who are capable of post-simian thought processes will continue to chuckle at your attempts to salvage your pathetic self-image in a virtual environment that only seems to matter to you.

I'm not being bias,factual or opionated. I'm not saying whos works are better. I'm saying who has more musical depth in learning their instrument. People get jealous of other people, it's nothing new. How would that be against everything Varg believe's in when he's already demenstrated hypocrisy. Ridiculous comments he's made,not argreeing alittle ways down the road. How do I know he's sincere,not lying. Black Metallers are attention whores more than anyone. If you do not believe Varg wish's he was getting as much attention you'd be an idiot. Varg trying to justify why he killed someone because he fucked up everything he had. The guy is clearly an attention seeker. Things like these can get the best of everyone. Black Metallers have low esteem, probably out of everyone on earth. I'm not saying every black metaller.

The bottom line is he's in jail,worthless, wasting people's tax money. The weak fall. Varg has shown he could not survive decently in a conformed society which we're a forced into. He has no value because he failed to make it work for him. The entire point is Varg did not use his brain,probably wished he did looking back now. Black Metal musicians rarley use their brain at all. If somone is threatening you, you have to wait until they actually attack you. You can kill them in self defence. You can't just go kill someone because you're paranoid thinking they're going to kill you,because you were threatened or whatever. You can't rule out a society we are condemned to live in, rules, law's, etc.. that would be stupidity on your part to sit in a jail throwing out your freedoms. It would put you right under government wings. The problem he was not in reality thinking about the big picture.

What make's his thoughts,opinions,values any more important than anyone else that has stooped to the lowest level ?

I'm not basing anything on morals. I believe everyone is born equal until they decide what they want to do. The last thing people want to do is sit in a celll. That would make us closer to a government that we might not agree on. We would be run by it every second. They would win fully comdemning us, not leaving freedom,choice. It would for anyone, it does not take a rocket scientist. Varg thinks all these things that he believe's would help the world,society but has put himself in the worst position. He's in his own reality, He wants to construct a society,reality around him but never will. Since he's in a cell he's invalid. I'm sorry you've got it back words thinking I think like that myself. His opinions have no value over a regular person in a society. I'm not being righteous,liberal, don't have self-image,etc..

I'm not the only one thinking like this. It sucks different people would not come in the thread, say fuck Varg, say some of this. If different people could come into a majority rules thread of dipshits thinking they are so right, say little things I mentioned. I would not have to type all this. No one is going to look at this any different because I'm just one person. I'm the idiot!
The Greys said:
Make up,corpsepaint,goth clothing hot topic style,degeneration in a bad way and hypocrisy all in one music style. Holy shit, loserness,stupidity to the max. You're suppose to rise above the shit,improve, not give in fucking your own life up like 'Varg' for other people that are trying to tear you down. His head,hands should be removed so other morons do not listen to his stupid shit. Why would you want to be,do like the enemies you hate. You just gave in, lost and no one cares, so now you can sit in jail, have no freedom, you fucked yourself. Vent,live your own life, it's not that hard, don't give in. 'Varg' is everything someone should not want to be. Get a fucking grip, you can't get out,nothing changes, you're put here until your end. Don't sit in jail showing you lost. Face is, you can't change a world,society how would want it. It's a lost cause. You will not get anywhere so improve your own being instead of giving in. Burning something down,killing someone is not going to help you make a difference either when you're in a cell. Varg sits in his cell, release's statements,interviews talking about things that never will happen or be, thinking it's real,reality,tannable. We don't need politicians,especially someone striving to be political that sits in a cell.

My my, arn't we apathetic?

You're the one calling black metal bands the "angsty" ones, and you post this "I can't do anything to change anything except for myself" shit. While I have my ideas on how this society could be repaired (or rather destroyed), it's people like you that make things worse. I don't agree with a lot of the spirtual views of the black metal community but I respect them for standing in a country that hated them and putting forth their beliefs. They took it a little too far sometimes, yes, but where does this "angst" thing come from? You're acting like there was a bunch of scenesters lined up outside Emperor concerts.

If I misunderstood any of your post, forgive me, but you really need to learn how to type/use proper English writing. Not to jump to conclusions but most of the people I've known who type poorly are generally idiots, you seem to add strength to this idea.
"Changing your opinions is hypocrisy now?"

Not necessarily, but "inconsistency" is something to be suspicious about.

(By the way, not trying to get involved in this internet war, just wanted to comment on that general question).
Euronymous pulled a knife on him first. I believe Varg doing something in retaliation is self-defense.

P.S. A 15 year old kid playing guitar for 2 years without lessons could play better than Euronymous could. His musicianship was shit.
Don't you find it weird that Varg talked about perfect music being Aryan music with Aryan lyrics and metal being Alien music because it wasn't ambient or electronic or something, but then he says that he'll make metal again...