A Burzum Story, pt. 3

Burzum sucks, Varg is a moron in jail. Some klvt nerd is going to flame me, you know what fuck you. He's such a pussy he has to kill someone without a fair fight. Anyone could kick Vargs ass if they knew what was coming. That guy is pathetic as hell. Instead of people wasting tax money to buy some goofy looking murderer food,etc.. they should have put him in the chair. He probably like's black dick up his ass. Someone is going to kill that guy when he gets out.
The Greys said:
Burzum sucks, Varg is a moron in jail. Some klvt nerd is going to flame me, you know what fuck you. He's such a pussy he has to kill someone without a fair fight. Anyone could kick Vargs ass if they knew what was coming. That guy is pathetic as hell. Instead of people wasting tax money to buy some goofy looking murderer food,etc.. they should have put him in the chair. He probably like's black dick up his ass. Someone is going to kill that guy when he gets out.

god you're such a fucking retard...
i hope someone, someday, publishes his writings. just for posterity, ya know? agree with him or not, his articles are always interesting
genocide roach said:
please, define what is a fair fight, and how his fight doesnt count

Going into some one's room in the dark when they're sleeping, stabbing them in the head is fair and manly ?

and God shut the fuck up you retarded looking goon.
The Greys said:
Going into some one's room in the dark when they're sleeping, stabbing them in the head is fair and manly ?
Not really, but what does this have to do with Varg Vikernes though? :confused: :confused: :confused:

P.S. You're a clueless cunt, GET THE FUCK OUT
The Greys said:
Going into some one's room in the dark when they're sleeping, stabbing them in the head is fair and manly ?

and God shut the fuck up you retarded looking goon.

You're by far the worst poster I've ever come across since Profanity, and you're so damn close to matching him.
LOL, what a fag.

The Greys, you don't even like black metal! What are you doing here? If you keep wasting your time here, you'll miss all those fabulous threads about Åkerfeldt's facial hair on the Opeth board! Run along now!
Crimson Velvet said:
The Greys, you don't even like black metal! What are you doing here? If you keep wasting your time here, you'll miss all those fabulous threads about Åkerfeldt's facial hair on the Opeth board! Run along now!

I wish it got that interesting on the Opeth board.
The Greys said:
Going into some one's room in the dark when they're sleeping, stabbing them in the head is fair and manly ?

and God shut the fuck up you retarded looking goon.

hmm, somthing tells me you dont know shit about the subject. so kindly shut the fuck up
The Greys said:
Going into some one's room in the dark when they're sleeping, stabbing them in the head is fair and manly ?

and God shut the fuck up you retarded looking goon.

He didn't stab him in his sleep you fucking twat.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Worst poster on the board, without doubt.

Yeah, his posts are devoid of thought-provoking content. He always manages to come off as an angry 9 year old. There are some other posters I dislike, but he's by far the dumbest and most useless.