Love Varg, or hate Varg, pleasepleaseplease Read this Article.

lizard said:
his "religion" completely ignores the scientific reality that all men sprang from the loins of Africa.
so its no different than Christianity.

Sweet response. I like it.

Its about time one of these threads popped up. Remember the old days when Markgugs, Papa Josh, Dreamlord, and a few others would be screaming bloody murder over the dumbest stuff . . . OK, I might have been involved too. UM used to be so much more hateful.
JayKeeley said:
Secondly, and not to digress here, but I find it laughable that *some* of the same people complaining about minorities writing "hate propoganda" towards white people spend most of their day listening to NSBM.

Haha, I believe I just got owned! :lol:

But seriously, the NSBM bands I listen to does not, as far as I know, write hate hate propoganda towards the denizens of the country they themselves moved to quite willingly.
Crimson Velvet said:
Haha, I believe I just got owned! :lol:

But seriously, the NSBM bands I listen to does not, as far as I know, write hate hate propoganda towards the denizens of the country they themselves moved to quite willingly.

Nah, I wasn't trying to own you or anything. I'm just trying to level the playing field. With that said, you have a valid point, but I'll respond later because right now I'm going to the park with my kids to have fun. :)
JayKeeley said:
Hmm, to be fair, you ignored every post about the link to Varg's articles and jumped on the tirade of talking about inequality in Boston. You jacked your own thread.

I was only kidding =)
General Zod said:
The first rule of martial arts; run away. The second rule of martial arts; disable your opponent to the point where you can run away. Did he need to kill him? There are a number of accounts. What is fact and fiction can be hard to decipher.

1st reaction: Yea, because Vargs a fucking Ninja and all.

2nd reaction: Please don't be one of those guys who puts all martial arts under one flag, with the same dogmatic structures and teachings.
2nd reaction: Please don't be one of those guys who puts all martial arts under one flag, with the same dogmatic structures and teachings.
I had no idea putting "all martial arts under one flag" would offend you so deeply.

To Kill Tully, and all the other RC members who I may have offended, if I in any way insinuated that all martial arts share the "same dogmatic structures", I beg your forgiveness. I'd hate to be viewed as "one of those guys".

Crimson Velvet said:
But seriously, the NSBM bands I listen to does not, as far as I know, write hate hate propoganda towards the denizens of the country they themselves moved to quite willingly.

Since the momentum of this thread has slowed somewhat (aside from Zod not knowing the difference between Judo Chops and Pork Chops), all I will say here is that I agree with you. :)
damn, i missed a lot since the last time i read this thread.

kinda somewhat related, in terms of affirmative action imo it should be based on economic terms rather than racial ones. that said i still think there are problems with minorities getting on an even keel with whites, and it's going to take some time before things get ironed out. think about it, we're talking hundreds and hundreds of years of momentum directed against non-whites, that kinda shit isn't going to be overcome in 40, no matter how much progress we feel has been made.
cthulufhtagn said:
minorities getting on an even keel with whites

Its really only blacks and hispanics that are having so much trouble.

Asians/Eastern europeans (Around here) seem to be getting allong just fine, and they know they have to do it themselves without help from organizations.
Its really only blacks and hispanics that are having so much trouble.

Asians/Eastern europeans (Around here) seem to be getting allong just fine, and they know they have to do it themselves without help from organizations.
good point, but historically the interactions between whites and asians have been different as well
One Inch Man said:
That's about the most amazing thing I've seen this year.

I will have to second that. Brilliant!

Also, I would like to get one thing clear, although I'm not sure anyone cares. I am not a racist. I judge people by many factors, like clothes and attitude, but not race. If anything, I mostly tend to judge people by their cultur, and since that often corresponds with race, it might seem racist at times. But one thing is certain: If I ever meet someone with a different skin colour than myself whose company I enjoy, that person will be more than welcome to my dinner table.

Also, please pitty me, for I have a cold and had to stay home from work today. :headbang:
Its really only blacks and hispanics that are having so much trouble.

Asians/Eastern europeans (Around here) seem to be getting allong just fine, and they know they have to do it themselves without help from organizations.
Tully: I find you amusing and such, and far smarter than some of your posts would indicate. but keep in mind the US has a rich tapestry of mistreating almost everyone, from the Natives who are still getting fucked over (the tribes which don't have casinos are poorer per capita than blacks); we have mistreated the Irish, Italians, Jews, it is part of human nature to band together with persons like yourself and look down on others, in an effort to make yourself feel more important.

You'll be interested to know that your last sentence is EXACTLY what Louis Farrakhan says: "Brother, if you are waiting for the white man to give you a leg up, you will be waiting forever." He encourages blacks to be self-reliant.

Kill Tully = Black Muslim Leader:tickled: