...a bit?
Read the article I posted. It's written by Varg & he talks about what happened that night, but it's from his perspective, so he could be bullshitting a bit.
I read everything on that sight years ago. I was speaking factually. His word is worth more to me than any newspaper or court system, but it is still not fact; I don't even know the guy. This is my point; people believe what they want to believe regardless of what side they choose, and this is the problem.
didnt he try and break out of jail a few years ago? they caught him though - doesnt that mean they should add more time to his sentence or does it not work that like in Norway?
Why don't you try looking at www.burzum.com?
I read everything on that sight years ago. I was speaking factually. His word is worth more to me than any newspaper or court system, but it is still not fact; I don't even know the guy. This is my point; people believe what they want to believe regardless of what side they choose, and this is the problem.
His word is worth more? And I suppose Varg has no self interest in telling a lie. I guess you believe O.J., Robert Blake, Phil Spector etc. are innocent of murder and did not premeditate the murders they were charged with? ...![]()
The "Dauði Baldrs" ("The Death Of Baldr") album: the metal versions of a few of the tracks on this album are really cool, so I think I will include at least one of them on the coming album. (The track called "Jesu Død", on the "Filosofem" album, is also a metal version of one of these tracks, by the way.) I am not overly fond of this album, but it is okay. I like at least two of the tracks a lot (the two first, as far as I remember). I once heard a cover version of one of the "Dauði Baldrs" tracks, on some German compilation album, I think, and that was very good... much better than the original.In short, let's just say I prefer the metal version of the tracks on this album oh, and it was recorded in a prison cell, using a normal tape recorder, so the sound is naturally not the best.
The "Hliðskjálf" ("Hidden Opening Into Asgarðr" or "Secret Ritual-Site") album: there are at least three tracks on this album that I like a lot, but in general this album is much like "Dauði Baldrs": it was the best I could do in a few months; the time I had to complete each of these albums, before the prison authorities either sent me to another prison (in 1995 ["Dauði Baldrs"]) or prevented me from recording anything more (in 1998 ["Hliðskjálf"]).
The Mayhem, "De Mysteriis Dan Sathanas" album: as You might know I played the bass on this album. I am not credited as a bass player on this album simply because Euronymous' parents told Hellhammer that they would stop the album if he tried to release it featuring both their son and me. So Hellhammer told them he re-recorded the bass line himself, which was a lie, and then simply removed my name from the album cover - solely to satisfy Euronymous' parents. (Contrary to popular belief, there has never been any conflict between the Mayhem guys and me, not even after the "inconvenience" with Euronymous.)
I once said that this album reeked big time, because the vocals ruined everything, but the truth is that I had only properly heard the vocals on "Freezing Moon" when I said that, and I think "Freezing Moon" reeks big time, but the vocals on the other tracks is perfect. The reason I think "Freezing Moon" reeks is simply that I was used to Dead's vocals and his way of singing, and I never wanted that to change. Attila, the session vocalist for this album, was more concerned about his "artistic integrity", and didn't want to sound just like Dead, so (unfortunately) he wanted to do his own thing.
So I think this album is great. It is highly original, not least because of Hellhammer's inventive drumming, and I would say that all that was positive about Euronymous is immortalized by this album. Hellhammer's drumming makes the album special, but so does the guitar riffs, that Euronymous was mostly responsible for (although Hellhammer, Necrobutcher and even I have made some riffs too).
I have never even read the lyrics on this album, or seen the album cover, but I still dare say this is one of the few Black Metal releases I think highly off and would actually listen to, if I had the chance. Why on Earth do people even bother listening to other Black Metal albums when they can listen to albums like this one? A good album to me is an album you never grow tired of, and I think this album is such an album.
He speaks of the murder of Euronymous & how he really had no motive. It's very long but I find it an interesting read.
I find it to be somewhat juvenile sounding in a sense. The way he writes it he makes it sound like he's got some heart, but I feel the whole thing just sounds kind of stupid. There were a lot of interesting little highlights in there.
More like, wow, really fucking stupid post, as is what one expects from the infamous VadimVon; always eager to chop down the trees in the wood taller than himself. Mediocre songwriting? That's precious...
All that "Varg" shit is ridiculous to me at this point. I can see how a 19-20year old "xtrasupetkvlt" geek could be enthralled by that whole bullshit "saga", but in all reality - Varg was a productive, creative kid who had a bad relationship with his military stepfather (hence the delinquency) and had his well-off mom pay for the production of Burzum albums. And after a little while, he thought of himself as a total fucking rockstar and started doing stupid shit, eventually murdering his buddy/"label exec" for the lack of royalties (which would've been equal to what...300 bucks?) It's just delinquent shit, and he got locked the fuck up for it - rightfully so. And I own all the Burzum cds, couple vinyls as well from when I was 18, but then I grew up and realized it for what it was - cool concept, mediocre songwriting and sloppy playing, all performed by a creative and relatively talented kid who really fucked himself early on and never stopped whining about it to anyone who'd listen.