Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

I don't know why you think Filosofem is his most cohesive work. I think HLTO is. But of course I'm one of those people who thinks HLTO is the best thing since sliced bread.
I don't know why you think Filosofem is his most cohesive work. I think HLTO is. But of course I'm one of those people who thinks HLTO is the best thing since sliced bread.

OK, really, when it comes down to it, this isn't worthy of argument OR discussion because imo, HLTO and Filosofem are probably the most well-composed pieces of BM in the genre, or close to it anyway. Filosofem just holds a special place in my heart, I love everything about it, its flow, its abundance of experimental, fresh ideas taken in very interesting directions, everything. It's just magic to listen to imo. Fuckin' Filosofem, how does it work?!

Also I agree that Belus can't come close to the first 5 releases, except POSSIBLY DSEV, and that's only at its best (Glemselens Elv).
Filosofem is the most accessible album, regarded as the album which could have taken Burzum to a new level of popularity (something in itself which is the opposite of what second wave Norsk Black Metal is about) had Vikernes not been stuck in jail.

Belus is a fantastic record, but it is not new material. This taints it's standing against the previous works in the catalogue, I think many people are overlooking that. However, to contradict myself, no (metal) work of Burzum has ever contained "current" material. The compositions have come from various points in Burzum's history. One could almost say each release has been a compilation if you take this into consideration.

Belus is not a consistent work. HLTO and DSEV were definitely consistent, as was Aske. Excluding Aske though, HLTO and DSEV are much more fully realised releases than Belus is.

The NEXT Burzum album is the one which will need proper assessment. Not Belus.
Filosofem is the most accessible album, regarded as the album which could have taken Burzum to a new level of popularity (something in itself which is the opposite of what second wave Norsk Black Metal is about)

Oh get off it. It's simply great goddamned music; nothing more, nothing less.