Love Varg, or hate Varg, pleasepleaseplease Read this Article.

Shouldn't negro's be pissed at people in Western Africa?

Arabs in East Africa too, they were big slavers, which is why I always chuckle when I read about so-and-so trying to get in touch with their African roots by converting to Islam from the "slave religion" (not in the Nietzschean sense) of Christianity.
Atlas Shrugged said:
White Men= Put the men to work...give them a little plot of land and a meal after a good hard day at the fields. Then subsequently free them. Shit...we should be thanked!
Dude don't try and justify slavery, it makes you look like a fucking moron. You can debate affirmative action all you want, but for fuck's sake man, SLAVERY WAS BAD. PERIOD.
I was being facetious with those comments. Ofcourse I don't feel any human being should be shackled and forced to toil the land for payment in peanuts.

P.S I thought you gave up on this thread. j/k
J. said:
4 years (3 in customer support, 1 in sales)

the others that got laid off worked there for 16, 6, and 6.

the my pals has been there for about 15 (in various groups) and the sand my pals for only about 1-2

Right, so after 4 years, why hadn't you been promoted to a senior position? Why were you still at the same level as all these inferior people who'd only been there 1 year?

Perhaps they laid you off because you were more expensive to keep on than the others? Or maybe they saw your 15,000 post count on UM. :loco: Or were you all on the exact same salary and benefits? I assume not since you'd been there 2-3 years longer.

Also, with all that inherent animosity towards non-whites, isn't it ironic how you have so much love for the king of all jews. Jesus was a semite don't you know, and very very far from being anywhere near 'white'. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Right, so after 4 years, why hadn't you been promoted to a senior position? Why were you still at the same level as all these inferior people who'd only been there 1 year?

I was only in the customer support role for 3 years. I left sales behind. One can only move up in that organization if there is a position to fill. Seeing as how there were none, no dice.

Also, the spic and black guy were doing this job long before I joined the group, so that theory goes bye-bye.

4 years is nothing with that company.

Perhaps they laid you off because you were more expensive to keep on than the others? Or maybe they saw your 15,000 post count on UM.Or were you all on the exact same salary and benefits? I assume not since you'd been there 2-3 years longer.

Both possibilities. Though, everyone surfed the net, so I don't know how a metal forum is worse than looking at corvettes, which one person who stayed was known to do for hours on end.

I know for a fact 4 people (spic, black, two whites) still there made more than me. Plus they all have kids which costs the company more in insurance.

I was one of the cheapest in the group.

Also, with all that inherent animosity towards non-whites, isn't it ironic how you have so much love for the king of all jews. Jesus was a semite don't you know, and very very far from being anywhere near 'white'. :tickled:

It's more towards "the system" than it is non-whites. I was screwed, no two ways about it. I refused to kiss ass, and it helped get me laid off.
Atlas Shrugged said:
I was being facetious with those comments. Ofcourse I don't feel any human being should be shackled and forced to toil the land for payment in peanuts.
Okay good. I starting thinking that 5 minutes after posting but figured you'd let me know. I'm hungover as fuck today, spent all night digging my bro's truck out of the mud and am not of right mind. :zombie:
Atlas Shrugged said:
P.S I thought you gave up on this thread. j/k
It's not as bad as I initially thought. :loco:
Crimson Velvet said:
Here in Norway, we had some pakistani filth almost release a book (a fucking book!!!) about how all whites are godless whores, and we shall all be purged in the eternal flames of Allah and what-not. I literally boiled inside when I read some drafts from it. Fortunately, our anti-racist organization, who have never done the white man a favour before, reported it before it could be properly published.

So Norway is a fascist country which can legally prevent people from publishing their ideas?

Good to know.
Jim LotFP said:
So Norway is a fascist country which can legally prevent people from publishing their ideas?

Good to know.

You have to lay back and wonder, is there any good reason for filth like that to be published?
Crimson Velvet said:
When the "ideas" promote racist views, of course.

I don't care what the ideas are. I think these people are nuts, you think these people are nuts, but neither of us will know for sure that we are not going to burn in Muslim hellfire until we die.

If that's what he thinks, he should be free to express it. That's one of the things I don't trust about the Muslim countries... free expression of ideas that are abhorrent to the state is banned. Blabbermouth had a story today about Egypt rounding up people in 1997 for the crime of listening to heavy metal.

It would be hypocritical to hate them for those actions and then suppress their views when they are in the Western world...
Marksveld said:
You have to lay back and wonder, is there any good reason for filth like that to be published?
Define filth.

[/cliché image]

No book should be banned. Ever.
Jim LotFP said:
If that's what he thinks, he should be free to express it.

I disagree. Norway has been kind and generous enough to accept this person (and most probably pay for the food on his table), and the least he could do is to show some simple respect and humility. Instead, he plans to publish a book on how we are but miserable wretches every single one of us. He should growel before our feet (put on the edge), not spit on them.
Erik said:
So throw him out of the country or something... I still think opinions should be able to be expressed freely.

I'm actually ambivalent on the subject. Yes, opinions should be expressed, but damn, how can anyone be so freakishly ungrateful?
Yeah, I know what you mean, and I think the actual reason this book was denied publishing was because it encouraged murder and rape of white folks. And that, of course, is illegal, even the most liberal of countries.
One Inch Man said:
The part where he justified murdering some dude because he was weak. I hate that kind of nazi bullshit, like some putz knows the answer of which humans deserve to live or die. I read that metalcrypt article last week. It wasn't fascinating, it was more drivel from this piece of shit. Yes Vargy, metal IS my pals music because some of us actually enjoy life.

Fuck this thread, some of you fuckers have such bizarre priorities in life it makes me sick.

EDIT: I take back the "fuck this thread" bit, there is some good discussion now. :loco:

I find this statement agreeable.
J. said:
Don't spout that shit till you've been in someone's shoes who has experienced this bullshit. know just about nothing about my life and yet you're telling me I don't know anything about this issue.

JayKeeley said:
They made their beds, now it's time to lay in them. And I quote Malcolm, "this is just the chickens coming home to roost".
exactly. the blackzors did not ask to come here.
J. said:
Fuck off.
nice. you'll also get a job quicker than them. oh I you won't....because the Texas cowboy president is presiding over the worst economy America has seen in decades. As a resident of a slave state, YOUR people were responsible for bringing these people here, not mine. It's kind of like, you build a nuke in your back yard, and then it crashes, and you blame someone else for the fact that your kids glow in the dark.

There just is far less inequality these days then many black people claim, thats what people are saying.
I have no doubt that in many cases this is true.

Atlas Shrugged said:
Preach on!!!!!
hey...isn't it time you trotted off and listened to Limbaugh so you could learn what to think?:)

JayKeeley said:
All men are equal and all that good stuff. <>
apparently some here skipped civics class.

JayKeeley said:
it might have something to do with your tattoos and long hair.
gee....ya think? <>

J. said:
But to deny that whites receive discrimintation is just pure blindness.
I have no doubt this is true. I experienced it once in a black bar in Philadelphia. the woman behind the bar stood staring at me, and then slowly, deliberately, went to every black person in the bar and asked them if they needed anything before she came over to me. What a strange feeling. But I needed beer, so I took the soul searing humiliation.

J. said:
Fuck off.
now see, there you go again.

Atlas Shrugged said:
dude, you are seriously in need of help. white neighborhoods have better funded schools. therefore the kids test better. If you, with your "better" education (and judging by your posts, you spent more time huffing paint than studying) can't possibly rustle up a ten point advantage over some black kid...well then perhaps you deserve all the misery you so obviously feel.

Atlas Shrugged said:
The white race is getting weak. Weakened by guilt.
hey, Varg will be out soon and he's gonna need a new butt buddy. you two are twin sons of different mothers! :)

Mormagil said:
so-and-so trying to get in touch with their African roots by converting to Islam from the "slave religion" (not in the Nietzschean sense) of Christianity.
exactly. but that's the kind of cultural confusion you get when people are uprooted and disenfranchised.

trust me, I'm the first guy to start chuckling when I see some american dude in a dashiki (sp?). My family got here in 1634 but I don't walk around in buckled shoes and carrying around a blunderbuss.

JayKeeley said:
Jesus was a semite don't you know, and very very far from being anywhere near 'white'. <>
can I get on your christmas card list <>

Marksveld said:
You have to lay back and wonder, is there any good reason for filth like that to be published?
unfortunately not. but here in America, anyone can publish anything if they hook up with the right publishing house. Take that Michelle Malkin...(hot!) she published that book trying to justify the internment of Japanese during WWII...and she just had to retract the allegations against two individuals, allegations which were the underpinning of the entire premise. fuck her. fuck ann coulter. fuck rush limbaugh and his brother, and that CNN bint he's spewing his man-yoghurt all over. fuck them alll!

Crimson Velvet said:
I'm actually ambivalent on the subject. Yes, opinions should be expressed, but damn, how can anyone be so freakishly ungrateful?
true...but some people can't see further than the tree right in front of their nose; the rest of the forest is unnoticed.

Erik said:
I dunno, but these are the type of situations in which it is very valuable to STICK to principles even if it hurts. You know like in that clichéd Voltaire quote, "I may not agree with your ideas, but I will fight to the death for your right to express them."
if I am ever in sweden, the first round of polar bear 17.12 beer is on me.
Crimson Velvet said:
Well, some people find it interesting to discuss the opinions of the people who created the music they adore... Especially when they make it as public as Varg has.
If you find his views interesting, discuss away. I just don't see his opinions as being of any greater significance than anyone else's. I liked the "Shawshank Redemption", but that doesn't mean I care what Tim Robbins thinks. Furthermore, I'm personally not interested in the views of anyone whose rotting in prison for murdering someone innocent. Finally, the guy is a moron. He scoffs at the Christian faith, then proceeds to tell us how the world's problems are due to the fact that we don't dress up like the dead, so that we can sneak past the guards of Valhalla, cross the rainbow bridge and have cheese and crackers with Odin.
