Erik said:
1) No, the guy is not saying that "the world's problems are due to Judeo-Christian bastardization of pagan holidays" (compressed and de-jokified version) or anything of the sort. His problems with the world go far deeper than that, but I'm sure you knew that and just picked out whatever you found it easy to make fun of instead of actually arguing against his REAL points.
Taken from an interview with Varg:
"The reason we are not able to communicate with the gods is simply that we no longer practise the Pagan religion."
"They don't know that the real reason they dress up as ghosts and other dead creatures is to gain access to Heaven"
"The gods cannot communicate with us anymore, and they cannot hear our prayers, because the channel between the gods and mankind was broken when Europe was Christianised. That is the reason we are destroying our planet."
I'm not taking this out of context. He clearly states, if Christianity hadn't destroyed the link between us and the gods, we wouldn't be destroying our planet. One of those links, is established by dressing up like ghosts.
Feel free to review the interview yourslef, if you haven't already done so:
Erik said:
2) "Personally not interested in the views of anyone whose rotting in prison for murdering someone innocent." Fine -- IF you consider unplanned manslaughter of a man who attacked you first and had plans of torturing you to death while videotaping it "murdering someone innocent." Besides, if you're not interested in his views, then don't discuss them. Very simple.
The first rule of martial arts; run away. The second rule of martial arts; disable your opponent to the point where you can run away. Did he need to kill him? There are a number of accounts. What is fact and fiction can be hard to decipher.
Erik said:
3) "I just don't see his opinions as being of any greater significance than anyone else's." -- no person's opinions are of greater "significance" than another's, objectively, but as you recognize that subjective value is another thing, that people who find his opinions interesting should be able to discuss them (and by extension, that people who DON'T -- again, like you -- shouldn't) what worth does that statement have?
If you look at what he believes religously, take into account that he hates other races because they weren't created by Jarl, and factor in everything else that we know of the man, it's harder to lend any more credence to his words than to those of some loon like Manson. That being said, if you find his opinions of value, feel free to discuss them. My only objection, is with the assertion that his views "are very important to the Metal community".