Love Varg, or hate Varg, pleasepleaseplease Read this Article.

lizard said:
but keep in mind the US has a rich tapestry of mistreating almost everyone

Very true. I think i should elaborate and say that the minority group I notice that "pulls the race card" per-say, the most, are young Black males. Im not saying its right or wrong, its just what I've seen around here. I have black friends that are from suburban well off families, and black friends that are from the inner city (along with white friends from both groups of course) and the suburbun blacks are far more likley to pull up racial issues, well the inner city blacks seem to have learned to fend for themselves and watch each others backs etc etc. instead of just complaining about whitey and such. Dunno if that really add's anything to my last post actually. :erk:

lizard said:
from the Natives who are still getting fucked over (the tribes which don't have casinos are poorer per capita than blacks)

Oh em gee, Tully is a registered Cherokee Tribesman :OMG: but im adopted into an Armenian/Irish family, so I wasn't raised in the tribe =( I hope to learn a lot more now that im 18 and alowed to learn about my past/family/heritage/etc. legally + help out at the reservations.

PS: Thanks for not judging my intelligence on my "special" posts =) heh.
I keep it pretty down low, because as many have probobly noticed, these days EVERYONE claims they are Cherokee/Native...blond hair and blue eyes don't stop 'em, heh.
man you've got that right. I've never met anyone who claims to be Flathead!

so dude...what's it like to nail white bettys? :loco:
my wife's people are from Mississippi, and so are from that cherokee/choctaw "seven civilized tribes" area...the first time I met my wife's grandmother, I was like, whoa, hold on to your scalp, this woman's got some injun in her fo sure. cheekbones all the way up to there, the whole deal.
lizard said:
so dude...what's it like to nail white bettys? :loco:

Great of course =)

...though I will admit the Cherokee/most tribes these days have very lax entrance requirments. So I look pretty much white, but with nativefeatures/hair/ general manly/kickass-ness.

So somtimes people pick it out immedietly, but most of the time its not a second glance untill somone asks "what are you?" and I say "blahblahblah and Cherokee" then there: "OHHHH I CAN TOTALLY SEE THAT! YAY! HOLLY MOLLEY MACARONI!"
lizard said:
I should try and claim membership in one of those massachusetts tribes that has a casino and like seven members left.:)

Hahaha, yea, like the Pequats. I hate to be a dick, but seroiusly there entire tribe was desimated, declared extinct, then magicly re-established by a bunch of white "chiefs". Foxwoods rules though, great boxing and buffets =)
Maybe if Varg didn't have such a problem with humiliating Euronymous, things could have turned out so much different - imagine if, rather than killing Euronymous or even going to his apartment that night, Varg just kept pretending he knew nothing about the plan to kill him and just went on with his life, subtly sidestepping all of Euronymous plans as he went. It could turn into a sort of black metal Road Runner cartoon, with Euronymous giving Varg a guitar that was rigged to explode when it played 'Freezing Moon', or something... that shit would be cool.
dill_the_devil said:
Maybe if Varg didn't have such a problem with humiliating Euronymous, things could have turned out so much different - imagine if, rather than killing Euronymous or even going to his apartment that night, Varg just kept pretending he knew nothing about the plan to kill him and just went on with his life, subtly sidestepping all of Euronymous plans as he went. It could turn into a sort of black metal Road Runner cartoon, with Euronymous giving Varg a guitar that was rigged to explode when it played 'Freezing Moon', or something... that shit would be cool.

Hahaha...actually that could pass as a good Spy vs Spy episode too.

maybe all this misunderstanding could have been avoided if either of them had bought the other a Carvel Ice Cream Cake and they both embraced with the healing power of hugs. "Look man, I'm sorry, let's stay up tonight and watch the sunrise together tomorrow, m'kay?"

"Awwww...I'm sorry I ruined your weekend. Please give me another chance, I will show you my better side."
All joking aside, it's pretty odd how Varg was able to kill him so 'easily'. I've read or seen many accounts from contract killers, serial killers, even soldiers trained to kill -- and they all say that the first kill is the hardest. Most people feel like passing out, or throwing up etc.

When Varg stabbed Euronymous in the gut, then 4 times in the back as he fled, and then the final plunge into the forehead, it's almost as if he just wiped the blade and walked off. Sure, he may have changed this in his write up, but it's weird how human nature didn't kick in. He didn't even feel 'awkward' about.
Nate The Great said:
Why does he feel he needs to justify his actions?

Because people are still content to judge what's happened from half-truths and distortions instead of taking to time to find out what actually happened.

Great article, interesting read. The second half was mostly familiar to me, which kinda drives the point home how pathetic his misinformed critics are. Seems like a lot of people (especially in this thread) have already made their minds up about him and don't need anything trivial like the truth getting in the way of their judgements :loco:
Ayeka said:
Because people are still content to judge what's happened from half-truths and distortions instead of taking to time to find out what actually happened.
Without having witnessed the events ourselves, all we have to judge it on is 3rd party accounts.

3rd party accounts that are full of wild innacuracies and blatant lies shouldn't be too hard to suss and disregard...not that it matters to some people...