Love Varg, or hate Varg, pleasepleaseplease Read this Article.

JayKeeley said:
Haha, you can't honestly being saying that you're worse off than the black man, J?

Thats not what there saying. People are saying that the Black is EVEN with the White Man these days, but still claims a whole bunch of stuff that is not true in most parts of USA. For instance, where I live (boston) if a I would get stared at more then a Black Person if I was to walk in a convenience store, not because im White, but because I look "different". But around here if two people, one normal and white, and one normal and black, where to walk into the store, there would be no different reaction. There just is far less inequality these days then many black people claim, thats what people are saying.
JayKeeley said:

Come on man, we're talking about the United States here. It's not like the average American white man has any right to complain about giving something back to the black community. For crissakes, appartheid was only lifted in the 60's.

I dream of a world where a man is judged by his character. Not where reperations are passed out to people who don't know the difference between a "hoe" and a "ho".


J. said:
Fuck off. If I was a my pals or a Dune Coon I'd still have my job. The Spic, the my pals, and the three dune coons from my group are still working there. The four people within my group that were laid off, all Whites. And numbers proved I worked harder than the sand my pals and the charcoal my pals.

Don't spout that shit till you've been in someone's shoes who has experienced this bullshit.

Preach on!!!!! :worship:
Atlas Shrugged said:
I dream of a world where a man is judged by his character.

I agree, but unfortunately that doesn't happen for black people. History has allowed white people the upper hand in the USA, when it isn't even a white country. It's technically a melting pot, right? All men are equal and all that good stuff. :tickled:
Yes? I know? Thats what the rest of the post was that is true, but many Black people won't admit it.

Sure. I'm not arguing here, I'm just saying equality > oppression. As for your example of what happens when you walk into a store in Boston (the whitest of white cities in the US by the way), it might have something to do with your tattoos and long hair. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
it might have something to do with your tattoos and long hair. :loco:

..thats what i said, I said its not because im Whiteor Black, its because i look different then the rest. My point was that White people and BLack people really don't get looked at differently these days around here. Boston = the most Liberal of Liberal citties, not Whitest of White.
JayKeeley said:
Haha, you can't honestly being saying that you're worse off than the black man, J?

Well the my pals I worked with still has his job, so.......

Look, I'm not out say that whites have it easy and blacks have it hard. I can't put myself in a black person's shoes, so I won't say whether or not I have it better.

But to deny that whites receive discrimintation is just pure blindness. Hell, I have no doubt my skin color played a part in my job loss. Funny how none of the sand my pals lost ther jobs when the person making the decsions is a sand my pals himself. Wow, that's a mystery.

As far as the black guy I worked with, he specifically told all of us that if he were laid off he'd contact Quannell X (Houston my pals Activist) and sue the company. I'm not shitting you, and I wouldn't put it past him.

It just irks me when people say shit like "Oh poor whitey, he can't complain about anything." Fuck off. I don't owe anyone a goddamn thing.
The white man has to give the upper hand as a helping hand to the poor unfortunate and more often than not "lazy" black man. If an employer has an all white staff. He's a racist. If it's chalked full of minorites, without a white man to be seen. Everyone could care less. The current generation of white america has been brainwashed into believing that they owe minorities something. Well I hate to say it. But I wasn't around in 1850. If your Great Uncle Tom was in shackles picking cotton, in exchange for some cornbread. Then I don't know what to tell you. (Other than "Tough") Unfortunately, we have to live walking on egg shells. Look at UPN (United Primate Network). Every fucking show is about some coon/coons prancing around with the white man being the butt of every joke. AHAHAHAH the fucking comedy. Try putting on a show like that with the roles reversed. And their will be a public outcry. Just like what happened in compton a week ago. A bunch of cops shoot down some simian who was running from them. All of a sudden the whole city is up in arms citing it as racist. It's fucking bullshit! The white race is getting weak. Weakened by guilt.
J. said:
Well the my pals I worked with still has his job, so.......

Look, I'm not out say that whites have it easy and blacks have it hard. I can't put myself in a black person's shoes, so I won't say whether or not I have it better.

But to deny that whites receive discrimintation is just pure blindness. Hell, I have no doubt my skin color played a part in my job loss. Funny how none of the sand my pals lost ther jobs when the person making the decsions is a sand my pals himself. Wow, that's a mystery.

As far as the black guy I worked with, he specifically told all of us that if he were laid off he'd contact Quannell X (Houston my pals Activist) and sue the company. I'm not shitting you, and I wouldn't put it past him.

It just irks me when people say shit like "Oh poor whitey, he can't complain about anything." Fuck off. I don't owe anyone a goddamn thing.

How long did you work at the company?
JayKeeley said:
How long did you work at the company?

4 years (3 in customer support, 1 in sales)

the others that got laid off worked there for 16, 6, and 6.

the my pals has been there for about 15 (in various groups) and the sand my pals for only about 1-2
Well the my pals do have seniority. But that should be irrelevant. The most abled body workers should be kept. And the lazier, less productive employees discarded. (This would theoretically only work in a perfect world)
Try putting on a show like that with the roles reversed. And their will be a public outcry.

:lol: that would be incredible.

Just like what happened in compton a week ago. A bunch of cops shoot down some simian who was running from them. All of a sudden the whole city is up in arms citing it as racist.

Actually, if it was in Cleveland or Chicago there would have been a bunch of deadly riots by now, but so far there is just a public outcry; this probably isn't good evidence for your "my pals are apes" file. And it's pretty understandable too, tell me if a bunch of black cops (and just for analogy's sake let's say most cops throughout history have been black and they've been killing white people in your neighborhood for decades) killed a white kid you wouldn't be annoyed, no matter how much he deserved it.
Atlas Shrugged said:
Well the my pals do have seniority. But that should be irrelevant. The most abled body workers should be kept. And the lazier, less productive employees discarded. (This would theoretically only work in a perfect world)

Seniority doesn't matter. A white lady that was laid off had worked there for 16 years. I worked harder than the black guy, and numbers proved it. I also received a 2 rating (1 being the best) for three straight years. He received constant 3s.

I'm telling you, he is still there because he is black.
Well, at least in America, the blacks have a reason to be bitter (a pretty shitty reason, which only makes them look whiny, but still, a reason). Here in Norway, we had some pakistani filth almost release a book (a fucking book!!!) about how all whites are godless whores, and we shall all be purged in the eternal flames of Allah and what-not. I literally boiled inside when I read some drafts from it. Fortunately, our anti-racist organization, who have never done the white man a favour before, reported it before it could be properly published. I just wished they could've published the filth's name, so that some skinheads could have tracked him down and sent him back to his homeland in pieces, and let him enjoy his martyr-afterlife.

Ehhr, and my point is, if he hates us so much, why the fuck is he here? He could've lived like a king in rat-country with the social help he doubtlessly getting.
Argh...nothing upsets me more than these Jihad warriors. I hope their 72 virgins have herpes.

P.S People forget who sold the slaves to the whitemen. Shouldn't negro's be pissed at people in Western Africa?

Africans= Profit by selling their people away like animals
White Men= Put the men to work...give them a little plot of land and a meal after a good hard day at the fields. Then subsequently free them. Shit...we should be thanked!

Oh and isn't ironic that black people have become so lazy? How about learning something from your slave ancestry...and pick up the fucking classifieds!