Love Varg, or hate Varg, pleasepleaseplease Read this Article.

Yeah, because he caved under police questioning. There was nothing linking Varg to the crime other than the other people's confessions. They couldn't find his bloodsoaked clothes (sunk to the bottom of a lake), and they tried to pretend they had fingerprints, even though he was wearing gloves.

I don't think Varg drove there with the intention of killing him. I think it had been brewing for a while and it finally came to blows. Euronymous bit off more then he could chew by getting word out he was going to torture and kill Varg, and when push came to shove, Varg called his bluff.

Either way, it doesn't appear that Euronymous was a decent chap by any means. Closing the shop when Varg tried to hype publicity, and ripping off other people to pay off house bills....then trying to gather people to turn against Varg, the death threats...meh.

I think that if Varg hadn't killed him first, Euronymous may have gone through with the torture plan.
Was a decent read. I may not care for his music nor for some of his convictions but i find Varg to be an interesting character. He seems like a decent enough fella i think, i wish he would drop some of his general prejudices though. *shrug* He and Mustaine both catch a shitload of flack for stupid reasons.
interesting article, has nothing to do with the reasons i dislike varg though. his version of the euronymous affair is probably much closer to the truth than the "official" record but i wouldn't take it as gospel truth either.
Nate The Great said:
Actually, they do. Do some research and you will find out that Lord of the Rings is completely about Christianity.

And further you'll find out that "Lord of the Rings" is utterly about mankind. As are most books, except for those about wildlife and plants.
Off-topic, I know, but Tolkien always insisted that his stories were not allegory, so there's no reason to go around pointing out this and that saying "oh this symbolizes ___" and "the book is really about ___"

also, from the Völuspa:

"Then was Mötsognir
created greatest
of all the dwarfs,
and Durin second;
there in man's likeness
they created many
dwarfs from the earth,
as Durin said.

Nýi and Nidi,
Nordri and Sudri,
Asutri and Vestri,
Althiöf, Dvalin
Nár and Náin,
Niping, Dáin,
Bivör, Bavör,
Bömbur, Nori,
An and Anar,
Ai, Miödvitnir,

Veig and Gandálf,
Vindálf, Thráin,
Thekk and Thorin,
Thror, Vitr, and Litr,
Núr and Nýrád,
Regin and Rásvid.
Now of the dwarfs I have
rightly told.

Fili, Kili,
Fundin, Nali,
Hepti, Vili,
Hanar, Svior,
Billing, Bruni,
Bild, Búri,
Frár, Hornbori,
Fræg and Lóni,
Aurvang, Iari,

Tolkien nerds, pick out as many names as you can. :loco:

anyway, I like Varg's articles; I don't agree with some of what he says but the rest is quite sensible, and they're always a good read no matter what.
That was en interesting read, and my respect for him actually increased after having read it; he seems to have discarded his most pathetic theories and image, but kept the essence. It will be very interesting to see what he produces in the future, books as well as music

(EDIT: Refering to the newly published interview as well)

Mormagil said:
Off-topic, I know, but Tolkien always insisted that his stories were not allegory, so there's no reason to go around pointing out this and that saying "oh this symbolizes ___" and "the book is really about ___"

That may be true (or perhaps a tactical statement from his side to avoid being snared in political debates), but the fact that he didn't intend it to be interpreted doesn't mean it's impossible to do so
lizard said:
I'm really not interested in him at all. no matter how pathetic Euronymous may have been, has Varg ever shown the slightest remorse.

That's clear in the second article. He had reduced Euronymous to be everything he wasn't (or perhaps this is his way of dealing with it, trying to justify it) - even in death, Euronymous showed signs of cowardice, running away and crying for help etc. and that was looked upon as 'weak'.

The problem with a lot of these guys is that (it seems like) they had built Euronymous up to be someone more than what he really was. And when he acted like a regular guy, that image was somehow tarnished.

Some bluff, others don't. In the case of Varg, he stays true to his word, whereas Euronymous was all mouth. Or so it seems.
I know its asking a lot, but I'de really like to use this thread to discuss those articles...I think they are very important to the Metal community, and worthy of discussion.
Why are the opinions of a murdering racist, "very important to the Metal community"?

Varg spoutings are always a hoot to read. He's a racist. So what? Who here doesn't have an inkling of racist blood corsing through their veins? If I walk into a hall full of black people...believe me I notice. And it isn't comfortable.

He's a murderer. So what? He rid the world of a piece of human refuse. No big loss there.
lizard said:
who makes the determination of who is human refuse?

Me. It's my world, ye can't have it. :p

Well he was reportedly a closet homosexual, who got off on watching snuff films all day and all night. He was also a liar, reneger, and a two bit finagler. All of which in my book...qualifies a human being as "refuse". You're only as good as your word imo. Dishonesty needs to be laid a bullet. Or in this case. A blunt object.