Love Varg, or hate Varg, pleasepleaseplease Read this Article.

lizard said:
happens all the time. that loose cannon Alan Keyes (former Illinois Senatorial candidate) kicked his own daughter out of the house and cut off his support for her college cause she came out as a lesbian.

That doesn't seem too harsh -- I guess I'm looking at it from an angle where you have some people literally going out to fight/mame/kill gay people, just because they're gay. I'm just wondering if those same folks would kill their own sons or daughters, or at least turn a blind eye to having someone else do it.
Crimson Velvet said:
Well, if I posted at a nazi-board, I would, yes.

Actually, scratch the first part. If Hitler invented Nazi-metal, I would think that it was important to discuss his opinions, seeing as we are supposed to be a "metal community".
Hitler's opinions are important as they stand right now. How can you not find a man who murdered millions of innocent men, woman, and children, opinions important? Now you don't have to agree with the cuckoo-head. But ofcourse listening to the rationale behind such deeds is worth an open ear.
Every time I read something about this putz my opinion of him drops even further than I previously thought possible, I just read the murder story. This dude is a piece of shit and I'm selling my only Burzum album now. Fuck this dude.
One Inch Man said:
Every time I read something about this putz my opinion of him drops even further than I previously thought possible, I just read the murder story. This dude is a piece of shit and I'm selling my only Burzum album now. Fuck this dude.

What specifically bothered you about his article? Basically everything in that story was more or less covered in Lords of Chaos. Besides him weilding wooden weapons in a frosty forest. Go read his latest interview he had with metalcrypt, it's pretty fascinating. And I agree with more than half of it.
lizard said:
"metal community" is a term with no real meaning; there is always so much insulting and flaming between metal genres to render it meaningless.

It may not be a harmonious community, but it's still a community. And in my opinion, the opinions and presonalities of the people who made the corner stones of the different metal genres are worth discussing.
Crimson Velvet said:
It may not be a harmonious community, but it's still a community. And in my opinion, the opinions and presonalities of the people who made the corner stones of the different metal genres are worth discussing.
of course they're worth discussing, absolutely. Even Varg is worth discussing. I agree with One Inch though in terms of someone who is clearly a sociopath who then attempts to craft some vague philosophy around himself to justify his actions, and oh by the way, sell a few thousand cds.

but truly, don't mind me - my opinion and five dollars will get you a cup of coffee at starbucks :)
Atlas Shrugged said:
What specifically bothered you about his article? Basically everything in that story was more or less covered in Lords of Chaos. Besides him weilding wooden weapons in a frosty forest. Go read his latest interview he had with metalcrypt, it's pretty fascinating. And I agree with more than half of it.
The part where he justified murdering some dude because he was weak. I hate that kind of nazi bullshit, like some putz knows the answer of which humans deserve to live or die. I read that metalcrypt article last week. It wasn't fascinating, it was more drivel from this piece of shit. Yes Vargy, metal IS my pals music because some of us actually enjoy life.

Fuck this thread, some of you fuckers have such bizarre priorities in life it makes me sick.

EDIT: I take back the "fuck this thread" bit, there is some good discussion now. :loco:
hey Varg, have a steaming tall glass of my warm, vitamin enriched urine!

I'm sure you've guzzled your share of that and other bodily fluids during your stay in the slammer :lol:
Varg has done a 180 in terms of considering Metal (my pals music). In the latest interview he just points out how disheartened he is that most people act (in his words) lowly my pals. By partying it up like savages with their dicks around their ankles. As opposed to trying to elevate themselves as prosperous human beings through the music. He's against the sex, drugs, and rock n roll bullshit. That's what he deems "my pals". Even though in the past he was opposed to the instruments who had African origin. It looks as if he has come around and realized how asinine his views were. Hell how can you disagree with his views on women?!?? He hits the nail on the head. If their were more June Cleaver's around...the world would be a better place. Society has become one gigantic melting pot of equality. Freedoms bestowed upon everyone. Except ofcourse...the (white man) who has to pay penance for sins his ancestors commited.
Crimson Velvet said:
It is when he invented ambient black metal as we know it.
And how does that give his opinions value? Even if you choose to lay the creation of some small Metal sub-genre completely at his feet, how does that make what he thinks relevant? Hell, what Sabbath started was a thousand times bigger and a thousand times more important to music than what Varg did, yet I could care less what Tony Iommi's world view is.

lizard said:
oh the poor white man he's so put upon. give me a break. what varg misses is when white men were King Shit of Turd Mountain. Now that things are on a more even keel, oh boo hoo, I can't have everything go my way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yea even keel. A white guy and a black guy go take a test for a govt. job. The white guy scores significantly higher on the test. Who get's the job? The black. Got to fill "quota" you know. Sounds fair to me. [/sarcasm]
General Zod said:
And how does that give his opinions value? Even if you choose to lay the creation of some small Metal sub-genre completely at his feet, how does that make what he thinks relevant? Hell, what Sabbath started was a thousand times bigger and a thousand times more important to music than what Varg did, yet I could care less what Tony Iommi's world view is.


Well, some people find it interesting to discuss the opinions of the people who created the music they adore... Especially when they make it as public as Varg has.
Atlas Shrugged said:
I've known a couple guys who got overlooked when trying out for the L.A.P.D and Glendale P.D because they didn't have the right "skin" tone, so to speak.


Come on man, we're talking about the United States here. It's not like the average American white man has any right to complain about giving something back to the black community. For crissakes, appartheid was only lifted in the 60's.

With that said, I do recognize the thousands of years of historic significance of Europe, and that some people want nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian takeover, and this spills into wanting to 'purify' a nation, but sorry, the yanks can go suck a fat one. They made their beds, now it's time to lay in them. And I quote Malcolm, "this is just the chickens coming home to roost". To me, it's the same as pagans battling it out against their Christian tormentors, or at least being compensated for the rape of their heritage.

But let's not digress. Back to Varg.
lizard said:
oh the poor white man he's so put upon. give me a break.

Fuck off. If I was a my pals or a Dune Coon I'd still have my job. The Spic, the my pals, and the three dune coons from my group are still working there. The four people within my group that were laid off, all Whites. And numbers proved I worked harder than the sand my pals and the charcoal my pals.

Don't spout that shit till you've been in someone's shoes who has experienced this bullshit.