A couple of questions.

Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:
RG7470(somethin like that :p )
Would it happen to be an RG7420? That's what I have and I love it.

As for effects, this is something I know something about. First of all....I would NEVER buy a multi effects, first of all, not enough modifications, but mostly, WAY too digital sounding. You lose the warmth of the tone through that shit.It's like comparing a SS Crate stack to a Mesa stack.

As for companies, this is what I'd suggest:
Distortion- Radial Tonebone Hot British...it's THE BEST distortion you can get without a nice tube stack
Chorus- Ibanez BC-9 (Discontinued, hard to find) or Boss CE-5 is ok
Delay- Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory man
Vibrato- Definately the Dunlop Uni-Vibe (The Square one, not the rectangle)
Phaser- A nice one is the Electro-Harmonix Small Stone....the russian (black) one
Wah- Well hell, you can't beat a custom Crybaby, but some of those go for more than a wah is worth, so, I'd Say Dimebag's Crybaby
Whammy- Either the Digitech XP-100 or the original Whammy
Flanger- Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress, 'nuff said
EQ- DBX 131
Noise Gate- Looking for one myself.....try out the DBX 266XL
Envelope Filter- Electro-Harmonix Q-Tron +
Reverb- Electro-Harmonix Holier Grail
Synthesizer- Korg Triton Rack, if you have the right equipment
Talkbox- I'd try a Dunlop HT-1 Heil Talkbox
Compressor- If you go for the DBX 266XL for a noise gate, it has a good compressor/limiter on it
Harmonizer- Most good one's are expensive, but the best cheap one I'd say is part of the Digitech XP-100
Volume- Alright, it's a fucking volume pedal, not much difference in them...but once again...the Digitech XP-100 has one

That should about do it.....
Personally some of the best effects ive playes still come from Boss.

The boss multi chorus is awsome
The metal zone for distortion
The Super OD For leads
The DD-2 For delay or DD-3

As for the wha i love my bad horsie.

I been playing ibanez jems since 89 years and i just made the switch to schecter, although im looking at the bernie rico guitars. Just cause they look cool. I havent played one yet, but the schecter 007 elite is the current axe im jamming on and i love it.

My current rig

B-51 AT150 Head
Marshall Cabs with Vintage 30s
A Morely Bad Horsie
Boss Multi Chorus
Boss Super OD
Boss DD-2 Delay

And the Schecter 007 or An Ibanez Jem for my 6 string work.

Da Fukn Guru
I had an LTD Deluxe (M-1000) that cost over $700. The sound was great, but the build quality was complete shit. I've never had a guitar with such poor construction. The frets were all fucked up. Within a week the wires for the tone knob came loose. I had dead spots in the neck. It was crap man, I'm telling you, crap. But a real ESP, now that is an immaculate instrument.

My friend got a Viper (dunno what series LTD), but it was about $500, so not a deluxe model. His guitar was better built than mine, but still it just didn't have a good feel. Both guitars had painted necks, which I absolutely hate...so consider that if it matters to you.

If it were me, I'd go for the Ibanez. Though the next guitar I plan on getting is an ESP MII. World of difference though between LTD and ESP. In fact, I wish they'd just separate themselves completely. I think LTD kinda tarnishes the ESP name.
I totally diagree with Matt about his opinion on ESP's being totally superior to even High End Ibanez's. Some may feel very comfortable with an Ibanez, however not so much with an ESP. Also you mentioned the craftsmanship is significantly better on an ESP than an Ibanez, well this also is very subjective. I have to say you are rather ignorant. However, to state something in your favour, I used to have an ESP LTD 351D, I purchased this in the days when I was a HUGE into Metallica, and I have to admit the playability was so much more smoother and natural than my Ibanez RG which I currently own, which is actually considered to be a high end RG.

So, as always we come to the conclusion that it;s about person taste.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
If it were me, I'd go for the Ibanez. Though the next guitar I plan on getting is an ESP MII. World of difference though between LTD and ESP. In fact, I wish they'd just separate themselves completely. I think LTD kinda tarnishes the ESP name.

The point of subdivisions of any manufacturer is to create products of a little bit lower quality, for a more affordable price. If ESP were to get rid of their LTD subdivision, they wouldn't sell as much, because not everyone has a lot of money to spend on guitars. Now, I have played a couple really low-end LTDs (EX models), and I thought they were built very well, they felt just right in my hands, I wasn't at all uncomfortable playing them. Maybe the LTD you got was poorly manufactured, which happens sometimes when things come off of an assembly line. If materials were cheaper, and overall it was much cheaper (for designer/craftsmen pay), easier, and much less time consuming to produce a single guitar by hand, then I don't think anyone would have problems with lower-end guitars.
They are somewhat over-priced, not too badly though... Fender and Gibson are the most over-priced guitars (IMO). I would like a Les Paul, but I don't think they are worth three grand (USD). I really think some of the really low-end LTDs ($150-$300 range) are actually much better quality than say, a Fender Squier in the same price range...So if you think of it that way, they're not too over-priced. :)
I am biased due to the fact that I hate painted necks. I couldn't play any guitar with one, Carvin, ESP, Jackson, whatever...I just can't stand it. I'm not sure if there are any LTD's without the painted neck. I know there are a lot of Ibanez' out there with just a gloss finish though.

I have tung oil on my Carvin neck and that has an awesome feel, but almost too fast...er too slick.

I think just about any LTD is actually solid enough for rhythm playing, but due to the shotty crafstmanship I experiend, and the simple fact that it has a painted neck = No Go for me.

Really though, you just gotta go and play them for hours to see what you like better. And for the $700 range you can also check out Carvin. However, you won't be able to play one beforehand unless you find one used in a shop or something like that. The craftsmanship on my Carvin is magnificent. I only have two gripes, one of which can be easily remedied.
1. I should have got a more tonally balanced bridge pickup, like the C22. Instead, I got the M22SD. While this pickup is hot, it is a bit too much, especially when I have the H22N pickup for the neck. I should have got the C22 and just let the amp do the talking.

2. 25" scale length. All DC models (I have a DC127) have a 25" scale length. All my guitars have always been 25.5" and that is something I'm very comfortable with. So, on the higher frets it does get a bit crowded for me, and that's something to consider. I don't believe you'll run into that issue though if deciding between Ibanez and ESP/LTD, pretty sure they are all 25.5".

So there you go...some love Ibanez, some love LTDs! Now it's time for you to decide what's best for you. ;)

Good Luck!
Those Ibanez neck-thru models are apparently way too "glossy". I' am going to save up for an M-II, theres a shop in the UK that has so many different models.

Maple Neck
Gun Metal Blue
About the question regarding pedals:

Although I'm another guitar purist (I hate using effects), I used to be a big effects fan like you wouldn't believe. And even then, I couldn't STAND multi-FX compared to single-FX units. The tone and quality is terrible on the multi's, man.

But I did just get my first Boss pedal - a compressor since my half stack didn't have quite enough gain for the shreddy stuff. Boss seems to make really great stuff.
OfSinsAndShred said:
But I did just get my first Boss pedal - a compressor since my half stack didn't have quite enough gain for the shreddy stuff. Boss seems to make really great stuff.

Boss makes crappy distortion pedals, but I guess their single effects units are decent...I prefer DigiTech though.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
^^^ Sacrasm?

I've always liked Boss distortion. It just seems to have more "meat" than DOD. I think the best DOD pedal is the grunge pedal.
Yes, he was being sarcastic...He uses it for his lead patch on his keyboard, and it sounds great, but I just didn't like it for guitar. I just never really cared for Boss distortion. I tried the mega distortion, metal zone, and the ds-1, none of them were to my liking. And I agree, the best DOD pedal is the grunge; however, DigiTech's XMM Metal Master is by far my favorite distortion pedal...Too bad I got rid of mine.