Would it happen to be an RG7420? That's what I have and I love it.Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:RG7470(somethin like that)
As for effects, this is something I know something about. First of all....I would NEVER buy a multi effects, first of all, not enough modifications, but mostly, WAY too digital sounding. You lose the warmth of the tone through that shit.It's like comparing a SS Crate stack to a Mesa stack.
As for companies, this is what I'd suggest:
Distortion- Radial Tonebone Hot British...it's THE BEST distortion you can get without a nice tube stack
Chorus- Ibanez BC-9 (Discontinued, hard to find) or Boss CE-5 is ok
Delay- Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory man
Vibrato- Definately the Dunlop Uni-Vibe (The Square one, not the rectangle)
Phaser- A nice one is the Electro-Harmonix Small Stone....the russian (black) one
Wah- Well hell, you can't beat a custom Crybaby, but some of those go for more than a wah is worth, so, I'd Say Dimebag's Crybaby
Whammy- Either the Digitech XP-100 or the original Whammy
Flanger- Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress, 'nuff said
EQ- DBX 131
Noise Gate- Looking for one myself.....try out the DBX 266XL
Envelope Filter- Electro-Harmonix Q-Tron +
Reverb- Electro-Harmonix Holier Grail
Synthesizer- Korg Triton Rack, if you have the right equipment
Talkbox- I'd try a Dunlop HT-1 Heil Talkbox
Compressor- If you go for the DBX 266XL for a noise gate, it has a good compressor/limiter on it
Harmonizer- Most good one's are expensive, but the best cheap one I'd say is part of the Digitech XP-100
Volume- Alright, it's a fucking volume pedal, not much difference in them...but once again...the Digitech XP-100 has one
That should about do it.....