A Cubase style theme for REAPER. Enjoy!


Bored Member
May 24, 2009
Saint Louis, Mo.
I know alot of you guys use REAPER so I thought I'd share a theme that I modded. I used Cubase SX2 before I switched. A guy on the REAPER forums named Makai created a theme called "Rebase".
I used it as a template and switched out pieces of other themes (a mash-up if you will) to create "Cube Ace". Ahhh... Reminds me of the old days with FrankenSteinberg.


http://stash.reaper.fm/theme/493/Cube Ace.zip
imma gank that
Yuck. I much prefer the default.
Fair enough... then don't use it :heh:
Not keen on any of the imitator skins for Reaper to be honest. They never truly seem to hang together like a proper GUI should. This is propbably my fave of all the ones I've seen and used:

Ah, StepOne's "Minima" mod. That is a slick theme indeed. I used it for awhile as well.
not quite sure if there wasn't already a thread like that over here, but anyways:
i think it would be cool if all you reaper guys posted your favorite skin!
i'm running a pro tools styled theme right now....works ok, but i'm not quite convinced. will post a pic soon...once i find one :)

thanks for the skin btw!