A curious thing happened to me today

Insidious Tangerine

New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was walking down the street calmly as I looked upon the ground and saw a man's head. In hastey time, I knew just what to do. I went to a hotel and offered the head to the mad at the counter after ringing the bell numerous times. After looking upon the object I had brought he said 'hold on a minute.'

Passing through the gate I was led into a room with great machinery. A lone man stood at the forefront. Attaching the disembodied head to the machine, he flipped the switch and gave it life. The conveyor belt put strange rubber devices into the rears of the pencils. Seeing now that the erasers (as such they were called) were of a desirable origin and thus an effective agent against graphite, I recieved just compensation for my actions.

Have any of you ever been in a similiar situation?
I was in a similar situation once. So was this guy:

well, i was just at this chick's house for dinner with a buncha friends, and after dinner we went down to her basement to play pool/ping pong/watch Happy Gilmore, and there were like 20 billion (yes, literally 20 billion) of those basement bug things. those *spider cricket* things. everyone has a different name for them, but you know what im talking about, prolly. they suck, i'll say that much. naw the funny part was that i got there the same time as Bass2411 (on here) and they had their halloween decorations up and all, so i pointed to a fake spider on the ground and said "hey watch out for that spider." and aaron said "you...you know thats fake, right?" and it was, and i did know it was fake, so we go in, and eat dinner and stuff. then he leaves and me and everyone else goes to play pool (billiards) in her basement. so theres something on the floor, so i poke it with my pool stick and say "hey its one of those stupid fake spiders" and then it starts REALLY freakin out and hopping like mad (it was a basement bug), so i learned my lesson: if it looks like a bug, kill it while you have the chance. not exactly a similar situation, but it was definately a weird situation.
well there was this one time i found a bat in my trashcan in my bathroom that wasnt quite dead yet (yet as in i took care of the problem). Then a few weeks ago there was a rabid moose on the loose at my school (true story). I think eraser man up there has me beat though.
I once reached into a Kleenex box one day, expecting to pull out a piece of salami. Instead, out came a slice of ham. It fell on my kitchen floor. It remains there to this day. The end.
frozen_core said:
I once reached into a Kleenex box one day, expecting to pull out a piece of salami. Instead, out came a slice of ham. It fell on my kitchen floor. It remains there to this day. The end.

*sob* that's such a poignant story..
frozen_core said:
I once reached into a Kleenex box one day, expecting to pull out a piece of salami. Instead, out came a slice of ham. It fell on my kitchen floor. It remains there to this day. The end.