Funny thing happened to me today,thread #2


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
Really wierd stuff...Dan must have really got to me.
Yesterday I was watching a movie on TV and I like watching movies with my classical guitar in my hands just playing some random chords without even noticing for about half an hour straight I played the beginning of Crimson over and over untill I noticed and thought to myself, What the fuck am I doing.

Today in the morning I put Moontower in the stereo and went to wash the dishes...somewhere arround "Add Reality" I found myself dancing to it.
Kenneth R. said:
I sing along :tickled:
So do I,that's how I developed my phat growling skills...word!:Spin:
but I never danced to itand Unicorn is kinda danceble so is NG...usually I just play the whole keyboard line on a classic guitar.
I do some random headbanging and singing along to all music I like...
yes... I even dance now and then, but only when I want to look silly!
I usually headbang and air guitar when I'm in da club(go shorty it's yo birthday)...after getting a sore neck everytime I head banged Ijust stayed with my my custom superdeluxe with all possible modification air guitar.

You should see me once copy Tom Morello when he gets to the parts where he basicly just playes with his guitar
It would be funnier than that Kaplan guy playing drums to suffocation...

but I'm a little shy when it comes to putting emberrasing footage of myself on the net.

I fell asleep today to the sounds of Invisible on the stereo...only I forgot "Alive again" was also in the stereo...I was woken up by the scream at the end...almost shit myself out of fear right then and there.
paradoxile said:

I fell asleep today to the sounds of Invisible on the stereo...only I forgot "Alive again" was also in the stereo...I was woken up by the scream at the end...almost shit myself out of fear right then and there.

how's that for a memorable Swanö moment... "the time I almost shit myself listening to Nightingale"
I was practicing my growls with an Opeth CD...dosn't remember which...
at this time my dad came back from work and told me to stop the barking...
I said:This isn't Barking.
put on a DMX cd and said....this is Barking.:Spin:
Now this is a first...I dreamt last night about being in a live Nightingale show...after the show Dan,Dag and Erik mingled in the audience...Tom just went backstage...So I shake Dan's hand and then Dag's and then I notice Dag's beard started ungluing like it's one of those fake hollywood beards...
I said: Dag, your beard!!!
Dag answered:"I never needed it to ROCK!" and removed the beard completely...
then I woke up...

wierd stuff!!!
and then I notice Dag's beard started ungluing like it's one of those fake hollywood beards...
I said: Dag, your beard!!!
Dag answered:"I never needed it to ROCK!" and removed the beard completely...
then I woke up...

wierd stuff!!![/quote]

That´s what i call a nightmare:D
I talked to a good lady friend of mine today and somehow the talk went in the direction of "what's more superior,a penis or a vagina?"
so she said:a penis is just a limp stick that fills with blood whenever it's excited...he's very easy to please and therefore primitve.
a vagina on the other hand is a complex organ with multiple pleasure spots and much harder to satisfy.
I said: oh yeah? well a vagina is showing a stiff lip on the outside but hides inside scared of the coming
she said:that's not right
I say:then my penis is calling your vagina to come out and fight him like a man!
then we both burst into laughing